Top Three Reasons Why You Should Register For Our After Gobble Wobble Event

Alright dance families, Turkey Day is ALMOST here! We hope your Thanksgiving is filled with delicious food, family time, and a well-deserved break from your hectic lives. Be sure to take some time to breathe!

We are hosting an event on the Saturday after Thanksgiving for kids ages 3-9. It is going to be a morning full of crafts, dance, games, and so much fun! We are so excited to share the deets with you!

After Gobble Wobble
Saturday, November 24th 9:30am- 12:00pm
Prestige Dance Studio (Cedar Rapids location)

Here are the top 3 reasons why you should sign up for our After Gobble Wobble event:

1. Build some physical activity into your break!

Our After Gobble Wobble is the perfect way to make sure your dancer’s body isn’t aching on the first day back at dance class. Our After Gobble Wobble will get your kids off the couch, on their feet, and grooving through Thanksgiving break.

2. Put something fun on the calendar for your kiddos while you prep for the holidays!

Getting ready for the holidays can be stressful! We know it is officially prime time for Christmas shopping and decorating. The LAST thing you need to be worrying about is entertaining your kids! We are busy planning a fun-filled morning of crafts, dance, and games that they won’t want to miss. Send them our way while you focus on what you need to get done!

3. Take the morning to reset and regroup.

We know how easily Thanksgiving break can feel like NOT so much of a break for parents. After hosting a family gathering, washing tons of dishes, and getting started on your Christmas shopping, the break is always gone before you know it! We are GLAD to take your kids off your hands while you pencil in some “you-time.” Get your nails done, take a nap, or go see a movie with a friend! I’m sure you could probably think of a million ways to spend a free morning, and now is your chance!

Register now for our After Gobble Wobble on November 24th from 9:30am-12:00pm. For only $19, you can free up your morning AND give your kids some fun-filled activity. It’s a win-win and we hope to see you there!