3 Reasons Your Child Will Need Dance More than Ever This Fall

dance classes in Cedar Rapids

Fall is upon us and we know that back to school season is JUST around the corner! For the past month at Prestige, we’ve been busy getting our Fall Dance Schedule ready to go. As we look ahead to our next season of dance classes in Cedar Rapids, we couldn’t help but take a moment to reevaluate our programs after the unprecedented year we’ve had. 

Teaching dance classes during a pandemic reminds us of how valuable our programs are for young dancers. Our kids have gone through a lot of changes, confusion, and uncertainty lately. We know our students will be EXTRA thrilled to be at dance, and the feeling is mutual for our teachers and staff. 

Check out these 3 Reasons Why Your Child Will Need Dance MORE Than Ever This Fall:

1. Physical Activity

We all know quarantine had most of us glued to our couches more than normal. But even since our community has slowly opened back up, it’s been difficult to get back into a groove of being active. With pools closed and outdoor recreational activities limited, summer has been much less active for most kids. 

This makes it ALL the more important to ensure that your child is enrolled in something active this school year. We are confident that our socially distant classes will provide a boost of endorphins and keep your kids healthy this year!

2. Stress Relief

No matter what learning option your family is choosing for this upcoming school year, it will look different than normal for your child. It is difficult for students to learn virtually. But going back to school while wearing masks and staying socially distant poses a new set of challenges as well. 

Even though a child may not show stress in the same way adults do, changes to their routine take a toll on their emotions and behavior. Dance is an excellent way to forget about those stressors and let it ALL out. We are ready to incorporate tons of fun into our classes this year and remind our students that dance is their safe space to express themselves. 

3. Community Building & Personal Connection 

It’s no surprise that our kids may have been getting less attention and social engagement lately. This dance season, we are committing to offering support and personal attention more than ever because we know your kids deserve it. The Prestige family is built upon a love for dance, and we know that any child enrolled in our classes feels like they are a part of a welcoming community. Let’s stick together during this difficult time!

As much as this list was centered around the kids, we can’t deny that our teachers and staff are in need of some extra love as well! We think it’s safe to say that EVERYONE is eager for happy times ahead. Seeing our students’ smiling faces this year will be SO much sweeter than normal. 

Be sure to check out our Fall line-up of dance classes in Cedar Rapids. Click here to view the schedule listed by age, and here to view the schedule listed by day. Online registration is NOW OPEN, so don’t forget to save your spot today!