Who’s Excited for Our Annual Recital?

dance recital

Our annual dance recital will be here before we know it! Below we have included the important dates leading up to the performance. Please review the dates and let us know if you have any questions. Look out for the recital packet at the studio in March. Recital time is a busy time… but all the hard work is worth it! Promise! Students get so much out of performing. Beyond the flowers and applause, there are many lessons that come from taking the stage including:

Cooperation-  Dancers starting as young as three learn how to work alongside their classmates to put together something they are proud of. Making lines, changing formations, working with a partner… all lessons in how to work with others!

Confidence- It takes a lot of guts to step on stage in front of an audience! Dancers that perform gain poise and confidence that translates to whatever they take on. They get an opportunity to push beyond their comfort zone and know that they can do it. Bring on that school presentation or speech!

Attention to Detail- Are the shoes the right color? Do you have lipstick on? Are you on your spot? Dancers quickly learn that these things really do matter when it comes to putting on a fabulous production. Another lesson that translates outside of dance.

Resiliency– Live performance doesn’t ALWAYS go perfectly. Mistakes happen. Dancers quickly learn they have to be able to think on their feet and make quick adjustments. In a performance, a dancer doesn’t get a lot of time to wallow.. the show must go on! Drop a prop? Quickly pick it up. Fall? Quickly get up. Performers get MANY opportunities to practice quickly recovering from a setback.

2017 Important Recital Dates

February 6 Tight pre-order begins

February 27- March 5 Parent viewing week

March 1 Recital packets ready for pick-up in studio office

March 13-19 Spring break

April 1 Recital tickets available for pick-up and purchase in studio office

April 10 Flower pre-order, host mom sign-up, and seat reservation begins

May 7-13 In-studio dress rehearsal and dance pictures

May 17 and May 18 Dress rehearsal at Paramount Theatre- no classes held

May 28 Last day of regular dance classes

May 31 and June 1 Regular dance classes held- makeup from Paramount dress rehearsal

June 4 “Bright Lights, Big City” Recital 2017 held at the Paramount Theatre