Compete with Prestige: A Day in the Life

competition dance team

Picture this: a hundred sparkly costumes, a giant lit-up stage, and a set of judges watching your every move. Kind of a big deal, right? That’s what competition day looks like for our 45 competition dancers at Prestige. We know that if you aren’t there yourself, it may be a little difficult to understand what all the hype is about. So today on the blog, we are giving you an inside look at our competition dance team in Cedar Rapids. 

At Prestige Dance Studio, on top of our weekly recreational classes, we offer multiple performance team programs. P.Com is Prestige Dance Studio’s community expo team. Dancers perform four to six times per year throughout the community with both jazz and hip hop routines. P.Co is Prestige Dance Studio’s all-genre competition team. These dancers attend dance conventions, four regional competitions, and a national dance competition.

Today we are shining the spotlight on our P.Co teams, not only because our competition season is in full swing, but also because we are so proud of their accomplishments so far! So what exactly happens at a dance competition? It’s not exactly your typical sporting event. 

1. A Dedicated Rehearsal Schedule

In addition to weekly technique classes where they practice their dance skills, our competitive dancers attend weekly rehearsals. Learning cutting edge new choreography, these teams are committed to making their routines look clean, impressive, and perfectly in sync. They are responsible for remembering their multiple routines for different dance styles, making detailed changes to their movement, and cooperating with their teammates. 

2. Glitz and Glam!

A dance competition is basically a SEA of sparkles, and it’s not JUST because we love to shine! When dancing under the big stage lights, moving rhinestones create a pretty magical effect. Thick stage makeup is needed so that the dancers’ facial expressions can be seen under the lights as well. 

Hair, make-up, and our beautiful rhinestoned costumes must all be completed with precision, as each dancer must look exactly the same. This uniformity reduces distractions and point deductions. We love watching as our students learn responsibility at competitions. If a dancer forgets a costume accessory or their hair falls out on stage, it reminds them ALL to triple check before stepping on stage. 

3. Taking the Stage

After hair, make-up, and costumes are set, our dancers head to the warm-up zone. We require our teams to stretch and do a brief run-through of their dance before heading backstage. This reduces injuries and mind-blanks on stage!

Once the music starts, it is 2.5 minutes of amazing! Watching our dancers hit their routines while judges are scoring their every move is incredible! A spark usually lights up inside of them. They are taught to dance BIG and BOLD, which is almost impossible NOT to do when your dances are well prepared and you look like a rockstar!

4. Trophy Time

After teams from all over the region compete, everyone gathers on stage to hear the results. Each dance receives an award (silver, gold, platinum) and then the dances are ranked by overall score. 

We teach our P.Co dancers to practice good sportsmanship, win OR lose. We celebrate our victories AND clap for other teams when they win big. Awards teach our dancers how to strive for excellence. Hard work pays off.

Our 2020 Competition Season is already in full swing! A month ago we debuted our competition routines at Showbiz National Talent Competition in Davenport, Iowa! We recently headed to St. Charles, Missouri for our second competition. 

We are SO proud of our dancers’ performance at both events and we are hungry for more stage time in the coming months! Check out some of our amazing results from Showbiz! 

competition dance team

competition dance team

Be sure to follow along on our studio Facebook page to stay up to date on competition results from the rest of our season! Good luck to all of our P.Co dancers. We can’t wait to watch you shine!

Are You Ready To Perform?

Dance Recital Cedar Rapids and Marion Iowa

Recital is getting close, can you FEEL the energy in the air? We sure can! Students, teachers, and families are working hard to make sure the performance goes on without a hitch. Our teachers have been busy in the classroom making sure dances are perfect.  We wanted to share a few tips that you can do outside of the classroom so that your dancer is ready to perform come recital!


  • Encourage your dancer to start a dance journal if they haven’t already. After class, they can write all their notes and changes in the journal. We find that dancers do a much better job remembering corrections when they write them down.
  • Practice your dances at home! Practice videos for our 2018 recital dances will be uploaded as they are available. Visit our Vimeo site at: to access them.


  • One of the most important things you can do before the big day is to label your costumes. Put your dancer’s initials on each costume’s tag. There is nothing worse than losing a costume or taking home someone else’s by accident!
  • Take a few moments before you go to the theater and get things in order so they are easy to find. This includes tights, shoes, accessories, undergarments, etc.

Hair and Makeup

  • Know the specifics. You can find the hair and makeup details on our recital page.
  • Practice before recital week. If you are new to recital hair and makeup make sure you practice a few times. There is a tutorial video here and you can always ask teachers for more guidance if needed.

We cannot wait to see our dancers shine on stage Sunday, June 3rd 2018! With any questions that pop up, please remember all of the recital details can be found on our recital page. Our teachers and staff are also available to help before and after classes.

Tips for Your BEST Performance

Tips for your best performanceWith our performance team’s seasons in full swing and recital right around the corner, we are in performance mode here at Prestige Dance Studio! We LOVE technique class and the work we do in weekly rehearsals, but there is something SO special about watching that hard work come together when our dancers step on stage. Performances are an opportunity for dancers to not only show off their technique but to show their personality and get valuable experience growing as a performer.

Just like dance technique, becoming a stronger performer takes practice! Today we have rounded up several GREAT articles that give dancers practical tips as they prepare to take the stage. We encourage you to share these tips with your dancers! With a little preparation and a game plan, your dancer will feel confident and ready to do their best when they step on stage.

Prime Your Mind to Perform

This article gives a lot of suggestions for things your dancer can do to prepare their mind as they get ready to take the stage. Our favorite tip- mental reps! Encourage your dancer to visualize themselves performing their choreography perfectly. This is a GREAT habit to encourage dancers to do daily. The more they practice, the more effective this type of  “rehearsing” becomes!

7 Secrets of Super Performers

Are you ready to take your performances to another level and become a super performer? This article outlines what “super performers” do when they are on stage. We love the reminder that you are never alone on stage, even in a solo! You have to find a way to connect with the audience. In a group piece, this means also finding ways to connect with your fellow dancers. It is all about intentional focus and energy!

7 Steps to Becoming Your BEST Performer

This article has a lot of great, simple tips for dancers. One reminder that ALL dancers need to remember is to stay open to feedback and criticism as they head into performance season. There is ALWAYS room to improve as a performer. Becoming a stronger dancer and performer is a journey!

We LOVE watching our dancers shine on stage. Seeing their confidence and growth year after year is just one of the reasons we love what we do here at Prestige Dance Studio.

Hopefully, these helpful articles leave you feeling excited and inspired heading into our recital, our upcoming performances, and our competition season. What tips are you excited to share and implement with your dancer? Tell us in the comments or share on our studio Facebook page!




How To Share Your Love Of Dance With Friends

Share dance with friends! Free trial classes for cedar rapids dancers! Our Prestige dancers are SERIOUSLY passionate and that is one of the things we love most about our dance family. For a lot of dancers, it may start to feel like you have a whole secret life at the studio that your non-dance friends know nothing about. We want that to change! Doing something you love is great but it is an even better feeling to be able to share it with the people who are closest to you. That’s why we wanted to give out some excellent ideas to help your children share their love of dance with friends.

  1. Have a dance-themed sleepover. Get out the old dance costumes, pull out the dusty disco ball, and get ready to boogie! Your dancer can make a special playlist with all their favorite songs and help you clear a “dance floor” in the living room.  Your children’s friends will have a BLAST dressing up and dancing the night away together. Oh and don’t forget to have snacks and refreshments ready because your little dancers will need to refuel frequently hehe!
  2. Make up a dance together. Instead of playing that video game, make up a dance instead! There will be COUNTLESS laughs and giggles coming from the dance room for hours, it’s a guarantee. They may even put on a show for the parents later if you are lucky!
  3. Watch a dance-themed movie or musical. This may give friends a little perspective into what your dancer goes through at the studio. I mean really, who doesn’t like a musical?!
  4. Invite them to a performance. Friends will get a front-row view into what it means to be a dancer. They will sit in awe watching the result of all the hard work your dancer put in. It also feels GREAT as a dancer to step into the auditorium knowing you have your “crew” there to support you!
  5. Invite them to try a class at Prestige. If your non-dance friend is interested in learning more, what a better way to show them what it’s like than having them TRY it! Of course, we recommend having them try a class that matches their ability level. That may not always be the same class that your dancer is currently enrolled in. Our trial classes are FREE and we are still accepting enrollment in most of our classes up until October 31st.

Have any other ideas to share the love of dance with friends? We would love to hear about them!

To share dance with your friends, click here for more information on our free trial classes . We can’t wait to get to know your friends! 

How To Be A Star Student

Great advice on how to be star dancer in class.

By now, most of us have mastered the in’s and out’s of how to be a star student in school. Students should do their homework, study for tests, follow directions, etc. Even if school isn’t your child’s “thing,” if they follow those simple rules they will do just fine. Luckily, dance class is very similar. It doesn’t take much to be a star student in dance class. The best part is that it has nothing to do with your dancer’s abilities, it’s all about the attitude! We encourage you to talk with your dancer about this list, either now or at the start of a new session. Although some things may seem obvious to you, it may not be to your dancer.

  • Practice at home. This could mean stretching while watching TV, going over new choreography before bed or having an all out dance class in the basement. At Prestige, we don’t expect our dancers to practice all day and night but if they are really wanting to nail a new step or learn new choreography, they may have to do a little “homework” from time to time.
  • Practice corrections. When a teacher gives a correction the most typical response is to say “OK” and that is great! To take things one step further, we love when dancers start practicing that correction right away. Dance takes practice and to just visualize the correction doesn’t always work. To physically apply the correction will help make sure that the correction sticks.
  • Work hard. This may seem like a no-brainer but sometimes working hard takes an extra little push. The kids that aren’t afraid to sweat, shake, and be tired are the ones to get the most out of class.
  • Have a good attitude. What does that mean? To stay positive, to be nice to classmates, and to be excited to be there.

That wasn’t so bad, was it? As you can see, it doesn’t take much to be a star student in dance class. In fact, all of our students at Prestige are star students in our book! We are so lucky to have such a great group of dancers!

We can’t wait to see them all in classes this fall. Still need to register?? Check out the schedule here!

Best Of The Web: Dancers To Watch

A web round up of amazing dancers from around the world! Perfect to follow on social media to get some inspiration!

If you haven’t guessed by now, dance is kinda our thing at Prestige Dance Studio hehe. We love performing, taking class, choreographing, talking about pieces, and of course watching it. It is so exciting to get a front-row seat watching our very own young students transform into amazing dancers! To get some inspiration and to keep moving forward, it is always fun to go outside of our Prestige family and check out what other dancers are doing.

Lucky for us, social media makes it SO easy to see what other dancers are up to! We thought we would share with you, our favorite dancers to watch right now. You and your dancers can watch their videos or follow them on Instagram to be AMAZED! It is one of the best places to look when your dancer is needing a little motivation or just needs some distraction.

  • Eva Igo – Have you seen The World Of Dance yet?! This 14-year-old is phenomenal! Her passion and dedication are undeniable. Fingers crossed she goes far in this competition!
  • 25 To Watch From Dance Magazine– This list is packed FULL of amazing dancers from all over the world. We love how they included emerging dancers from so many different disciplines: ballet, jazz, modern, musical theater, hip-hop, and more. There is something for everyone here. Be sure to check out your favorites on social media!
  • 5 Dancers To Follow On Instagram From Dance Spirit– This is another great list. It is heavy on choreographers but they post videos and photos like CRAZY and it is awesome! Some of these dancers will get you out of your comfort zone in an amazing way.

So what are you waiting for!? Go get your inspiration on with these beyond talented dancers and choreographers! We know you and your dancer will enjoy watching them grow and transform along the way, we certainly do!

Your Musical Guide For This Summer

Your musical guide for dancers in Cedar Rapids, IA

With summer comes some very well deserved time OFF. We think you should spend that time relaxing, trying something new, and of course devoting more time to doing what you love! We are PRETTY sure you and your dancer LOVE dance (hehe) so why not spend your summer catching up on a little art and culture in the form of musicals. We have rounded up a few ideas to get your musical exposure on. If you take us up on some of these ideas, let us know! We always love to hear opinions and experiences when it comes to dance and the performing arts. Have an exciting event already planned that isn’t on our list? We would love to hear about it in the comments!

Enjoy from your couch

  • The World Of Dance– Ok, this is not a musical BUT with a panel of AMAZING judges, this show is definitely building some hype! Dancers from all over the world compete to be named the best. We love that there are all different styles, there will be something for everyone in this show! We can’t wait to catch the premiere (May 30th, 9:00pm)!

In Cedar Rapids

  • Peter Pan- Perfect for all ages, this show is taking place at the Theatre Cedar Rapids from June 3-4
  • Billy Elliot The Musical – This show is for an older dancer (13+) but is a great story about following your dreams! Also hosted at the Theatre Cedar Rapids from June 30-July 22

In Des Moines

  • An American In Paris– The dancing in this musical is just amazing! Check it out at the Des Moines Civic Center from July 18-23

In Chicago

  • Disney’s Aladdin – Who doesn’t love a good Disney musical? Well worth the drive, this show is playing at the Cadillac Palace Theatre until September 10
  • Hamilton– I’m sure you have heard of this one by now, catch it at The PrivateBank Theatre before it leaves Chicago!
  • Rodgers & Hammerstein’s THE KING AND I – The costumes in this show are so beautiful! It is taking place at the Oriental Theatre from June 14-July 2

We hope this list gets you excited to go experience a performance or two this summer! Make a trip out of it or just a fun night. We can’t wait to hear all about it!

5 Things To Throw In Your Recital Bag

What to pack in your recital bag! Love these unique items!

Can you believe it is almost May?! For us here at Prestige that just means we are getting closer and closer to recital and we cannot wait! With dress rehearsal and recital just around the corner, we thought you may be starting to think about what exactly you should pack in your dancer’s recital bag. I’m sure you have already thought of the usual (shoes, tights, hair and makeup supplies, costumes and accessories, undergarments, and snacks just to name a few) but have you thought to bring these next 5 things?!

  1. Clear Nail Polish– Of course, we suggest bringing an extra pair of tights for the day of recital but sometimes even that isn’t enough! Clear nail polish is the perfect thing to stop a RUN in your tights dead in its tracks. As soon as you notice a tear, dab the polish on the end.
  2.  Sewing Kit– Like we hinted at before, sometimes the unexpected can happen during the big day. A rip or tear to a costume could be devastating if you cannot repair it quickly. Make sure to throw in a handful of safety pins along with your needle and thread!
  3. Dryer Sheets– For some reason, costumes LOVE static cling on a performance day! Simply rubbing the inside with a dryer sheet can completely eliminate the cling and your dancer’s costume will lay like it should.
  4. First Aid Kit– Throwing in some bandaids, antibacterial ointment, and ibuprofen can save the day in a pinch. Don’t worry though, if you forget- you can always find a PDS staff member during the performance, we will be well stocked!
  5. Tennis Ball– During performances, cramped and tight muscles happen! A tennis ball can bring a world of relief to a sore dancer in between numbers.

So, how did you do? Were these things already on your list to be packed? Do you have any favorite unconventional items that weren’t on our list? Let us know so we can share!

Check here for more information on recital events and schedules. We can’t wait to see you there!



Best of the web performance

As some of our dancers are busy attending competitions and community performances, others are gearing up for recital. Where ever your dancer is in their performance season, it is never too early to start planning for a smooth, stress-free event. From quick changes to event safety, we have collected the best dance performance hacks from the web so you can breathe easy. At Prestige, our best advice is to plan ahead and go through the big day with your dancer so they know what to expect and you are both on the same page. Who is helping them change? When and where can they eat? When can they relax for a bit? Dancers generally will feel more prepared and less frazzled when there is a plan in place and as a dance parent, you will feel better too!

  • Labeling Garment Bags For Dance Competitions and Recitals – This article tells you exactly how to label and organize your costumes. Quick changes will be a breeze and lost costumes will be a thing of the past if you follow this method.

  • Dance Bag Organization – We think using a reusable wine/beverage bag from a grocery store does an AMAZING job at creating little compartments within your dance bag. The dancer in the article uses the bag alone but it would fit inside of your normal bag too. You could even use more than one! It would make finding shoes and accessories SO much easier!

  • How to Clean Practically Anything Dance Related – Dirty shoes, dancewear, or costumes, this article has got you covered!

  • A Snack Plan– This is an easy idea to keep all your dancer’s snacks organized. We all know it takes a lot of fuel perform at your best so make sure your dancer is well stocked with healthy options!

  • Event Safety – We love this article and video on how to keep your dancers safe during performances. Although we do our best to make sure every event runs as smoothly and safely as possible, sometimes things happen. Having a first aid kit on hand as a simple way to ease your mind during a very busy day.

We love seeing our Prestige dancers perform on stage! With these simple hacks, you will be able to relax and enjoy the show!

Stay Healthy & Injury Free This Year!

Healthy and Injury Free

We are well into our performance season here at Prestige. Between competitions, community performances, and recital, our dancers are dancing more than ever! Staying healthy and injury free during this time of the year is not only important but also harder than the first half of the year. We thought it would be a great time to go over some helpful tips and give you a few useful articles so you can give your dancer a leg up in this department!

  1. Stay hydrated- The number one thing in every dancer’s bag should be their water bottle! Get a sturdy reusable one that they can fill up over and over. Make sure to talk to your dancer about actually using it too! At performances, things get crazy so it can be really easy to forget. Help them out and have an extra ready for them every time you touch base. They will be happy to see it after dancing full out on stage!
  2. Eat mindfully- What we put into our bodies has a HUGE impact on how we feel. Eating foods high in nutrients will reduce our chances of getting sick. They also give us the energy we need to pull off really busy weekends and AMAZING performances. Check here for ideas on what to eat during those long performance days!
  3. Know when to rest- One of the most important parts of staying injury free is knowing the difference between sore muscles and PAIN. It is really tough for dancers to figure out the difference. We love this article explaining it all. For many dancers, resting is NOT something they want to do. They think if they just push through, the pain will go away. However, if they ignore the pain and forego rest, it can turn into a much bigger problem, requiring even MORE time off.
  4. Stretch and Strengthen- Take the time to warm up before running on stage. Try doing jumping jacks or planks backstage while waiting. Dancing full out on cold muscles can lead to injuries. Also, stretching and rolling out after a long day of dance can have a huge impact on reducing soreness. During off weeks keep up with strengthening exercises like these.

We know that with these 4 tips, you are setting your dancer up for success through the busiest time of the year! We can’t wait to see the amazing results!