Web Round Up: Dance Inspiration

dance inspiration At Prestige Dance Studio, our dancer’s growth is SO important to us. We want to help all of our dancers reach their potential both in and out of the dance studio. Inside our dance classes and company rehearsals, we are doing so much more than just drilling skills and running dances! We are working on our dancers’ mindset, helping them to develop a work ethic they are proud of, and teaching resilience.

As we head into the last portion of our school year session of dance classes, these skills become even MORE important. Dance (and life!) are not always easy. We want our dancers to have the mental strength to push through the hard moments so they can arrive at the finish line strong. Recital and competitions are even MORE rewarding when you feel confident about all the work you have done to get there!

Below we have rounded up a few links worth checking out with your dancer. Get a little inspired to finish this year strong!

Nastia Liukin Talks About Hard Days at the Gym

You can imagine that Olympian Nastia Liukin has had some difficult days at the gym. We LOVE her mom’s strategy for dealing with hard days. Such great perspective!

Dance is Just as Important as Math

The author of this article outlines the huge impact dance can have on students. Dance teaches students how to collaborate, cooperate, and be more accepting of one another. We can get behind that!

Learning to Dance in a Year

Tenacity and hard work pay off! This young dancer works diligently over the course of the year to become a better hip-hop dancer. The video of her progress speaks for itself!

Feeling inspired? We hope so! We are so proud of the hard work our dancers have put in this season. Their growth is what encourages and motivates US to be the best we can be. Have another inspiring article or video we should see? Share it on our studio Facebook page. We love sharing a dance inspiration with our studio families!