Prestige Students Are Thankful for Their Dance Friends!

weekly dance classes

It’s the season of giving thanks! So tell us, what are you thankful for? What things in your life bring you joy? What things do you hold near and dear to your heart? For us, our dance families and their continued support make us grateful year after year.

So this year has us thinking, what are our students grateful for? We of course know that they LOVE to dance, and they love sharing special moments with their teachers. But another big piece of their grateful spirits is always their dance friends. Many of them are thankful for the unbreakable bonds they have with their fellow classmates.

So after years of watching our students make lifelong friendships at dance, we thought it was time to share a little bit more about why that magic happens. After all, our dance parents don’t always get to see what happens in class! Our staff always says “dance friends make the best friends,” and we can’t wait to share why!

4 Reasons Why Dance Friends Make the Best Friends:

1. Familiar Faces From School to Dance

Of course, our students LOVE meeting dancers that they’ve never met before, but when they recognize a familiar face from their classes at school, it’s a game-changer! We watch as students get excited on their first day of dance when they recognize a friend from school. And they ALSO tell us when their dance friends are in the same classes with them on the first day of school. Dance makes kids feel that much more connected to their community!

2. Dance Builds Teamwork

Teamwork and support for one another is at the forefront of both our competition team program as well as our weekly dance classes. Students work together to perfect their routines, cheer on their teammates, and meet group goals throughout the year. When you are supporting one another and investing in each other’s successes, it’s easy to form close bonds that can’t be broken! 

3. Sharing a Common Interest Brings Kids Together

Having something in common helps kids make new friends and be social. When children have a common interest, it gives them things to talk about, things to do together, and things to look forward to as friends. It’s not uncommon for our students to tell us that they practiced their dance routine during their play-dates or performed for their friends on the school playground! 

4. Growing Up Together At The Studio

Something that makes dance unique is that kids often get to stay in the same classes with their peers year after year. Our clear-level progressions and flexible class scheduling options make it so that they can essentially grow up together at dance. Many of our oldest students can look back with their peers and remember their shared routines from their very first dance years. 

With all these things in mind, one thing is for sure, dance friends make the BEST friends! Ask any of our teaching staff and they will probably tell you about how the people they danced with growing up were oftentimes their most treasured friendships. The memories our students make together are truly priceless. 

This Thanksgiving, our students are thankful for their dance friends. We see it each and every day when they share smiles on the dance floor! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Prestige Dance Studio! 

P.S. It’s not too late to join us in our 2021/2022 Weekly Dance Classes. Watch as your child makes lifelong friendships! View the schedule and register today! 

Saying “Thank You” To Our Dance Parents

parents in Cedar Rapids

November is the month of giving thanks and our gratitude list feels extra important during the hectic and unexpected year we’ve had. This month during our weekly dance classes, we encourage our students to think about what they are thankful for as well!

Of ALL the things that we feel grateful for, our dance parents are certainly at the top of our list! Here at Prestige, we seriously have some of the best and most dedicated parents in Cedar Rapids! We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for them. 

So this November, we are sending a HUGE shout out to our Prestige Dance Parents. There’s so much to thank you for, but here are just a few highlights!

Prestige Parents, Thank You For…

  • Investing in your child’s well being and providing them with fun opportunities. Not every child gets a chance to dance, and one day, yours will thank you for the gift of a lifetime. 
  • Driving your children to and from dance class each week. We know it’s tedious…THANK YOU! 
  • Making sure your child has EVERYTHING they need. Leotards, tights, and even helping them find their lost dance shoes. 
  • Attending your child’s performances. Your smiling faces and loud applauses do not go unnoticed. 
  • Giving them those pep talks when needed. Kids need a pick-me-up sometimes, so thank you for always being there for them. 
  • Being patient and understanding. Two things that anyone living in 2020 needs a lot of!
  • Raising polite, respectful, and hardworking young kids. It makes our job a WHOLE lot easier. 
  • Supporting your child’s passions. You’re giving them something that lights them up inside, which is priceless. 
  • Your continuous support of Prestige Dance Studio. We are sending our enormous gratitude. 

Your unwavering and selfless support is something that makes us appreciative year after year! We really do have the best parents in Cedar Rapids right here at the studio.

This year has been rough on everyone, so more than ever we are wishing our Prestige Parents a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with your family, whether it be for a virtual meal or an in-person one. Thank you for ALL you do!

P.S. As we head into the Winter Months, be sure to follow us on facebook to stay in the know about holiday deals and special events!