Are You Ready To Perform?

Dance Recital Cedar Rapids and Marion Iowa

Recital is getting close, can you FEEL the energy in the air? We sure can! Students, teachers, and families are working hard to make sure the performance goes on without a hitch. Our teachers have been busy in the classroom making sure dances are perfect.  We wanted to share a few tips that you can do outside of the classroom so that your dancer is ready to perform come recital!


  • Encourage your dancer to start a dance journal if they haven’t already. After class, they can write all their notes and changes in the journal. We find that dancers do a much better job remembering corrections when they write them down.
  • Practice your dances at home! Practice videos for our 2018 recital dances will be uploaded as they are available. Visit our Vimeo site at: to access them.


  • One of the most important things you can do before the big day is to label your costumes. Put your dancer’s initials on each costume’s tag. There is nothing worse than losing a costume or taking home someone else’s by accident!
  • Take a few moments before you go to the theater and get things in order so they are easy to find. This includes tights, shoes, accessories, undergarments, etc.

Hair and Makeup

  • Know the specifics. You can find the hair and makeup details on our recital page.
  • Practice before recital week. If you are new to recital hair and makeup make sure you practice a few times. There is a tutorial video here and you can always ask teachers for more guidance if needed.

We cannot wait to see our dancers shine on stage Sunday, June 3rd 2018! With any questions that pop up, please remember all of the recital details can be found on our recital page. Our teachers and staff are also available to help before and after classes.

Spring Back To Dance

Spring Dance is so much fun, find the best ways to jump back into dance after break

Did you have a relaxing spring break? We hope you and your dancer got a chance to recharge because we have an exciting couple months coming up! Between competitions, community performances, and recital, spring dance is going to get FUN! Before things get crazy, this is the perfect time to check in with your dancer to make sure they are ready for it all.

To spring back to dance, you will want to take inventory or have a chat with your dancer about the following:

  • Do their dance clothes still fit? A change in season is the perfect time to try on dance clothes and shoes and make any purchases if necessary. At Prestige, we have a ton of styles to choose from along with shoes and tights. Make sure to take a peek at the dress code before buying any new dance apparel!
  • Are there any lingering injuries? If your dancer has been complaining of pain during the winter months and it still hasn’t improved, now would be the perfect time to get evaluated by a medical professional. Here is a great article talking about the distinction between pain and regular muscle soreness.
  • What is the plan for summer? We have an AMAZING line up for summer dance along with some super fun camps and intensives. If your dancer has been talking about trying a new style, summer is the perfect time! It is also a great time to try out a larger class load before the craziness of fall kicks in. You can read more about all we have to offer this summer in one of our blog posts!
  • How about the fall? We know it is barely spring but the fall will be here before you know it.  Our fall schedule and recommendations will be posted and emailed the week of March 26-30. Priority registration will start the first week in April. Now would be a great time to talk about the activities your child would like to try. It’s also a great time to talk about the amount of dance they would like to take on and if they are interested in auditioning for one of our performance teams.

We hope you enjoy the rest of your Spring Break and are just as excited as us to spring back to dance! We have some exciting things happening at the studio and can’t wait to see it all come to life!

How To Avoid Burnout

Great advice for dancers in Cedar Rapids, IA on how to avoid burnoutLike young athletes, dancers have to be aware of and take steps to avoid burnout. The dance season is very long compared to other activities. We run from August to June and only take a short break before we jump right back into things for the summer session. It’s basically a year-long activity that is extremely demanding on the mind and body. As many of our Prestige dancers know, some of our dancers are in the studio for hours and hours every single week. We are approaching the mid-year mark and want to help our dancers avoid the dreaded burnout this year. Although we can’t control when burnout may strike, we can take steps to reduce the risk.

  1. Stay focused on goals. When you are tired, sore, and overwhelmed it is easy to forget why you are doing all of this in the first place. Try writing down one main goal and keep it somewhere visible.  By seeing your goal daily on a post-it note on your mirror, in a journal by your bed, on your school planner, etc. you will be more likely to remember the WHY. This will help push you through the more difficult times.
  2. Get feedback from teachers. Sometimes burnout can come from being frustrated. “Why didn’t I get the solo?” “Why is my teacher so hard on me?” “Why can’t I nail my turns?” Sometimes, dance is HARD. Like, really hard! We don’t always leave class doing things perfectly and that can make a dancer want to give up! By checking in with teachers on what can be done differently in class, you get answers. You won’t waste time on negative self-talk and you won’t get to that place of wanting to give up.
  3. Rest. Rest is SO important for dancers. Like we mentioned earlier, dance is demanding on the mind and body. If you start feeling overwhelmed or more stressed out than normal, make an effort to go to bed early (instead of going on your social media hehe!). When you have time off during your busy season, take that time off to rest instead of filling the space with other activities. We promise you will feel refreshed and ready to get back to work!
  4. Talk to your parents and dance teachers. If you start feeling overwhelmed or run down, don’t be afraid to say something to your parents and teachers. Your parents want you to stay healthy and positive and your teachers want that too. We can all work together to figure out a plan to get you back on track.

So what do you think? Can you make it through this year without reaching the point of burnout? By following these steps we are confident you will! We are also super confident that you will do AMAZING things this year,  we are already off to a great start!



Is Your Dancer Ready For Fall?

A few extra steps to make sure your dancer is ready for the fall season

You have picked out your dancers classes and have registered for fall classes, you are all set right?! Yes! We could NOT be more excited to get in the studio but there are some extra bonus steps you can take to help your dancer prepare for class. These are in no way required and will not make or break your dancers season so sift through the list and take on what you can handle.

  • The outfit. Check out your dancer’s current dance wardrobe. Does everything still fit? Find any holes? Have all the right shoes? Noticing that your dancer doesn’t have the right “uniform” ON the first day of dance class is the worst! Do your stress levels a favor and take an inventory now. Also, have your dancer try everything on. Before purchasing anything new, make sure to check out our dress code. There are some changes to look for in the 2017/2018 season.
  • Water Bottle. This is one of our FAVORITE things to shop for every year. We love starting off a new dance year with a fresh new water bottle. Help reduce waste and keep your dancer hydrated at the same time. Check out your local Target for some great options.
  • Dance Journal. As rehearsal directors, we LOVE to see dancers using a dance journal! All you need is a basic journal or notebook designated for dance. It is a great place for dancers to keep track of goals, class notes, and new choreography. It can be really tough remembering all that goes on in class week to week. Using a dance journal will ensure your dancer is ready for what is next.
  • A First Dance Class Of The Year Photo. OK, we know. This one is a little cheesy BUT just like the first day of school each year, it can be SO MUCH FUN to look back and see your dancer grow each and every year. It can be the perfect opportunity to get the younger students excited and although you may get an eye roll or two from your older dancers, they will be so glad you did it years from now.

Now that you have the extra bonus steps to get ready for fall, we can officially get excited! We cannot wait to see all that your dancer accomplishes this year in class. Still need to register? You can do so online or contact the studio for more information.

Is Your Child Ready For More?

Knowing to add another dance class is tough! The article will walk you through the decision for those dance studio parents.

Knowing when your child is ready for more can be a tough decision. Juggling activities with school and family time is a struggle with every family and each and every one has different needs. Some kids are able to do it all without breaking a sweat and others have a more difficult time balancing all that is going on. As a parent, you know your dancer best. You know when they get overwhelmed or bored and you know how to calm them down and challenge them. Nevertheless, deciding to put more on your dancer’s plate is not going to feel totally great until you give it a try and see the results. Luckily there are a few things you can do to make the transition a little bit easier for everyone.

Does your child constantly bug you to add another dance class? If yes, it seems they are hooked on dance and are loving every minute of class. Asking for more is often the first sign that your child may be ready to take another class at the studio. Once they start asking, it is important to evaluate how they are handling their current load. Do they spend enough time on homework? Are you happy with their grades? Do they often get overwhelmed? Are they getting enough sleep? If in any of these areas, things are not going so well, it may be a good idea to delay things a bit. When breaking the news to your dancer, talk about an action plan. What can they work on to add another class? This may help them understand your expectations and give you the opportunity to sit down and talk about how you can accomplish it together.

If everything is going ok with your dancer’s current work load, go ahead and give it a try! Before you start the newly added class, it is a great idea to talk to your dancers about a plan. When and where are they going to do homework, eat dinner, sleep, relax, etc. The more you can talk through a strategy that works for both you and your dancer, the better chance they will handle the transition positively.

If you are unsure about adding another class, please feel free to talk to us! We can give you a little perspective on what we see in class from your dancer and help you weigh the perks and drawbacks of adding more to your dancer’s plate. Adding more can be a challenging decision to make for parents. At the end of the day, I’m sure all you want is your dancer’s happiness. Luckily, that is what we want for your dancer too! We make sure to support ALL of our dancers, whether they are taking 1 class or many. We recognize that not every dancer is the same and we think that is one of the things that makes our Prestige Dance Studio family so great!

Still need to register for Fall?? Check out our schedule and register today!

How To Be A Star Student

Great advice on how to be star dancer in class.

By now, most of us have mastered the in’s and out’s of how to be a star student in school. Students should do their homework, study for tests, follow directions, etc. Even if school isn’t your child’s “thing,” if they follow those simple rules they will do just fine. Luckily, dance class is very similar. It doesn’t take much to be a star student in dance class. The best part is that it has nothing to do with your dancer’s abilities, it’s all about the attitude! We encourage you to talk with your dancer about this list, either now or at the start of a new session. Although some things may seem obvious to you, it may not be to your dancer.

  • Practice at home. This could mean stretching while watching TV, going over new choreography before bed or having an all out dance class in the basement. At Prestige, we don’t expect our dancers to practice all day and night but if they are really wanting to nail a new step or learn new choreography, they may have to do a little “homework” from time to time.
  • Practice corrections. When a teacher gives a correction the most typical response is to say “OK” and that is great! To take things one step further, we love when dancers start practicing that correction right away. Dance takes practice and to just visualize the correction doesn’t always work. To physically apply the correction will help make sure that the correction sticks.
  • Work hard. This may seem like a no-brainer but sometimes working hard takes an extra little push. The kids that aren’t afraid to sweat, shake, and be tired are the ones to get the most out of class.
  • Have a good attitude. What does that mean? To stay positive, to be nice to classmates, and to be excited to be there.

That wasn’t so bad, was it? As you can see, it doesn’t take much to be a star student in dance class. In fact, all of our students at Prestige are star students in our book! We are so lucky to have such a great group of dancers!

We can’t wait to see them all in classes this fall. Still need to register?? Check out the schedule here!

An Introduction To Dance Class Etiquette

Dance Class Etiquette for dance studios. Perfect for new dance parents!

With our summer session well under way, we are busy in the classroom learning new skills and having a blast! Our Fall Session is approaching quickly and with it comes a handful of new dancers. In our latest post, we gave you a few hints on how to make your child’s first dance class a success. This week we thought it would be helpful to get an introduction to dance class etiquette.

Before your dancer’s first class every year, it is a great idea to talk about the classroom customs and rules. Not only will it make for a more pleasant experience for YOUR dancer, it enhances the experience for the OTHER dancers in class as well. Each teacher may have specific rules depending on the kind of dance class and the age of the dancers. However, you can assume the following class etiquette guidelines will be expected in any dance class.

  • Respect yourself, your dance friends, and your teacher. This one is SO important! We talk about it even with our littlest dancers. In our classes at Prestige, we want to respect ourselves by trying our hardest and working toward our goals. We respect our dance friends by being kind, keeping our hands to ourselves, and waiting our turn. Finally, we respect our teacher by listening, following directions, and being kind.
  • Go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, and blow your nose before class starts. Asking to do one of these things in the middle of class is not the worst thing in the world and sometimes it cannot be avoided (especially with little ones). But it can be a distraction and often starts a waterfall of kids leaving the classroom. Try your best to keep these requests at bay by asking your dancer to take care of it before class starts.
  • Keep the chatting to a minimum. We totally understand that dance class is FUN and is a reason to see all your best dance friends. Whispers during short breaks are OK but make sure your dancer knows that it is not OK to talk when the teacher is talking and that most conversations should wait until after class.

That isn’t so bad right!? Our top priority is to make sure that your dancer has an amazing time in whatever class they take. These etiquette rules help make that happen and keep the focus on what is important- DANCE!

Fostering Your Child’s Passion For Dance

Fostering your child's passion for dance can be tough! This is great advice on HOW to do it when dance may not be your thing!

If your child won’t stop making up dances, performing for friends and family, or is constantly practicing steps in their room, they may have caught the dance “bug.” Don’t panic hehe! Although this may be a little unfamiliar to you, this “bug” can be an AMAZING thing! Finding a passion for dance is exciting and will do great things for them now and in the future. They will learn how to work hard, set and achieve goals, and have an emotional outlet when things get tough. Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! Dance can do all of those things for your child and much much more so it is time to join them in this excitement! You may be wondering how to support your dancer in this new journey and make sure you are truly fostering your child’s passion for dance, and we are here to help!

The first thing to consider is that every child is unique. Not every child is going to want the same type of support. Some will want to share every moment along the way with you and others will want you to wait outside while they rock it out in dance class. Luckily, you know your child better than anyone so try to respect their “style” and give them the space they need to flourish.

The second way you can foster your child’s passion is by finding a program that they can connect with. Really try to identify your child’s goals. Do they want to just have fun with their friends? Do they want to become a professional ballerina? Do they want to master their hip hop skills? How many hours at the studio can they handle? What sort of environment is good for their personality?  Find a program that compliments who they are and one that will help get them where they want to go. At Prestige, we try to identify what ignites each dancer’s passion and tailor our program to match, you can learn more about our program here.

Another great way to support your dancer is to be positive. Be excited when they share a new mastered step with you. Make a big deal when they perform or sign up for a new class. Even if you are not personally into the dance thing, be happy that is THEIR thing. Think about it, isn’t it so much better when you can share your passion with the people you love? Don’t let them figure out that you would rather have them doing what YOU are into. Instead, be happy they are into an amazing activity that will help them grow and prosper.

We may be a little biased but dance is a pretty great thing to get into and we are so happy your little dancer has chosen to share their passion with us! We know that with your support, they will grow into not only talented dancers but well rounded young adults!

Need help finding the perfect class schedule for your dancer?? Let us know! We would love to help get your dancer off on the right foot this Fall!

Goals And Why You Should Set Them With Your Dancers


With New Years right around the corner, people are busy thinking about all the resolutions they will commit to this coming year. From fitness to financials, ’tis the season for making promises to yourself and the people around you. This concept is probably very clear and familiar to you after years and years of goal setting. If you’re lucky, you may have even mastered the art of actually committing and achieving those resolutions unlike so many of us (yes, I admit I have let a few goals slip through my fingers over the years).

But what about your dancers,  what are their goals for 2017? Have no idea? Don’t worry you still have time to figure it out.  If you are wondering why exactly we are even talking about this, please read on! Although it is hard to pick just a few reasons to share with you, we hope it inspires you to take on the challenge of 2017 along with your dancers!

  • Focus– Have you ever been to the gym the day after New Years? It is a MAD HOUSE but do you see the looks on these new gym goers’ faces? They are determined! Dancers need that same focus in class. Especially mid-year when it is cold and sometimes miserable out, it can be hard to remember why we are spending all these hours at the studio. Setting goals can re-ignite your student’s passion remind them why they are there in the first place.
  • Confidence– How do you feel when you achieve a goal? I know when I accomplish something, whether big or small, it feels AMAZING! It makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. The more I accomplish, the more I feel like I can take on. We do this in dance class all the time (working on single pirouettes, then doubles, then triples). With each new skill, it gives the dancer more confidence to take on the next, more difficult challenge. This is one of those life-long skills that will stick with your dancers and serve them well in any area of their life.
  • Resiliency– Goals aren’t always easy and that is how they should be! Setting and working toward goals teaches your dancers that it is worth it to KEEP GOING. Even when things don’t go their way, if they have that specific goal in front of them, they will be less likely to wave the white flag (maybe sometimes with a little encouragement from you but that is ok!). We all know that life is tough sometimes and the earlier you work on this skill, the better. They will be much more equipt to handle all the things life throws their way in the future if you practice with them now.

Are you inspired yet? I know I am! Take the time to talk about your 2017 goals with your dancers now and check in with them every couple months or so to see how they are coming. HINT: Talk about your goals with them too and make it more of a conversation. It is so good for them to see how you handle your successes and struggles!

We can’t wait to see all the great things they accomplish this year!