Start 2020 Off Right: 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dancer

dance parents

Happy New Year Prestige dance parents! What is your dancer looking to accomplish this year? Are they hoping to move up a level in their technique classes? Do they want to audition for our competition team this year? Do they have big dreams of dancing professionally one day? However lofty their goals are, we are here to support them!

As dance parents, we KNOW that you see your child’s potential and want them to accomplish great things. The truth is, us dance teachers see their potential too, but sometimes kids need just a little extra push. Together, we want to make 2020 the biggest year of growth for our young dancers. 

This month’s blog post is all about helping your dancer establish good habits that set themselves up for success. Follow these tips, and your dancers will feel more supported than ever while working towards their dance goals!

1. Mark Your Calendars

First and foremost, we encourage all of our dance families to stay on top of this year’s important dates. The busy, end of the year rush is approaching quickly so it’s important to get these events on your radar now!

When dress rehearsal or recital sneak up on you, it will probably show in your dancer’s performance. We never want our hard-working students to feel flustered and stressed on the big day. Being well-prepared in the coming months will make all the difference! View our full school year calendar on our website. 


2. Make 2020 the Year of Arriving to Class Early and Ready To Go! 

We tell our dancers to do this ALL the time! At the beginning of the year, everyone is usually on time and ready to go RIGHT when class starts! But as the year progresses, we tend to see promptness, dress code, and other studio policies fall to the wayside. 

We can’t stress it enough: stretching before class is crucial for injury prevention and success in the studio. Especially during the cold months, jumping right into class without any time to warm up your body is bad for your muscles. Getting to the studio early will help your child enter class with a warm body and focused mind! 

3. Encourage Your Dancer to Set Goals and Stay Accountable 

Coming to class each week with a specific goal in mind really helps kids advance their skills. Sitting down with your child at home and creating a list of realistic dance goals is a GREAT way to establish focus in 2020. If dance is a foreign language for you ;), ask your child’s instructor for some feedback on what they should work on. We are always happy to help!

After these goals are set, the car ride to and from class each week is a great time to check-in. “What are you going to work on today in class?” and “How did your pirouettes go today?” are easy questions to ask! Offering encouragement on good days AND bad days will make them feel supported always. 

4. Attend Parent Observation Week

Ask any dance teacher, and we will ALL tell you that kids dance bigger and better when there is an audience in the room. During Parent Observation Week, a spark usually lights up because our students are proud of all they have learned. Being there shows them that you are invested in their growth!

Additionally, Parent Observation Week is a great way to touch base with your child’s teachers and observe your child’s progress. Staying involved will make 2020 their best year yet! Learn more about this special week on our Facebook event! 

5. Encouraging Your Child to Stretch and Practice At Home

Flexibility and remembering recital dances are things that come naturally to some, but not to most. If the only time that your child stretches or runs through their dances is class time, they will likely not be able to make significant strides. 

Being an audience at home for a mock performance can really help your dancer ROCK their recital in 2020. In addition, encouraging your child to stretch each night after dinner while winding down with television will make their flexibility soar this year. 

Hopefully this list sets ALL of our dance families up for an amazing year of dance in 2020! We tell our students to do these things throughout the year, but hearing it from you can really make a difference. 

More importantly, you know your child best, so you know how to best get through to them. Between your support at home, and our support in class, we really believe that these kids can accomplish great things. Watch them shine in 2020 with us! It’s going to be a great year! 

4 Tips for the BEST Dance Year Ever!

Best Dance Studio in Cedar Rapids

It is back to dance time at Prestige Dance Studio. It has be SO fun to welcome dancers and their families back to the studio over the past month. We are ready to kick off our 7th season of dance classes in Cedar Rapids and Marion.

We know that the start of a new school year can be overwhelming for both kids and parents. There are new schedules, LOT of notes home, school supplies, lunches to pack… the list goes on and on! We want to help take a little of that mental load OFF your plate.

A little preparation at the start of a new dance year can go a long way! Our team has put together 4 tips to help set your dancer and your family up for success this school year. Ready for your BEST dance year over? Read on to learn more!

4 Tips for the Best Dance Year Ever:


Take a few minutes to reflect about last year. Think through the logistics of getting ready for dance class. What felt hard? Where were the struggles? Common issues that we see at the studio are getting the dance bag packed, getting hair done, and keeping your dancers fed. Encourage your dancer to think about they their progress in their dance classes. Did they reach their goals? Were they happy with their work ethic? A few minutes of journaling is a great idea for older dancers!

Tackle the Logistics

What could you do to make getting your dancer to the studio and ready for class easier? Simple wins might be buying an extra brush and gathering a second set of hair supplies that live in their dance bag. Maybe you keep some quick snacks in your car for the commute to the studio.

Think through your child’s schedule and review the dress code. Would a few extra pairs of tights eliminate stress on dance night? Can you pack their dance bag for the week on Sunday? Maybe a checklist would help your dancer take ownership of the “getting ready” process. Taking a few minutes to think about the logistics might reveal a few simple solutions! 

Set New Goals

Helping our students develop a growth mindset is SO important to our team at Prestige Dance Studio and one one of the reasons we are the best dance studio in Cedar Rapids! Setting aside a few minutes to discuss goals for the coming year with your dancer reminds them of what is possible! Encourage your dancer to write their goals down and put their list somewhere where they can look at them often.

Time to Take Action!

Go back to the list of goals and break each goal into actionable steps. What could they do in the next month to work towards their goals? If they are working towards mastering a new step, maybe they could devote an extra 10 minutes before class towards practicing. It doesn’t have to be complicated! Make a date to check in on their goals in a month. We having a feeling you will BOTH be surprised at how quickly small changes can lead to big outcomes.

Are you and your dancer ready to kick off your BEST dance year ever? We greatly appreciate ALL our dance families do to help set our dancers up for success. The support you offer your dancer makes what we do inside the studio even MORE impactful.

If you haven’t registered yet for the 2019/2020 school year, we would love to have your family join us. We are still accepting enrollment as space allows. Act quick! Many of our classes are already full. Our dancers are going to do great things this year and we can’t wait to see their growth!