Woo-Wee! Baby and Me!

toddler activities in Cedar Rapids

Do you have an adventurous toddler at home that wants to explore everything in sight? How about one who loves to play pretend? What about a shy toddler who is itching to break out of their shell and conquer their fears? Bring them over to our Baby and Me class, one of the best toddler activities in Cedar Rapids!  

Our Baby and Me classes are a fun-filled learning time for children 12-36 months. At that age, we know they are still SO young, which is why many families don’t think to sign them up for any activities just yet. But we are here to tell you about the MANY benefits of signing your baby up for a dance class!

Top 4 Benefits of Baby and Me dance classes at Prestige Dance Studio:

1. Improved Motor Skills

Toddlers all move through the stages of child development at different rates. In our Baby and Me classes, our students get the chance to leap, twirl, tiptoe, and crawl through obstacle courses. From balance beams to colorful tunnels, your child will feel like they are on a playground! Little do they know, they are working on motor skills that will speed up their development and enhance their coordination later in life.

2. Socialization

Many toddlers don’t get the chance to socialize with other kids their age. Our Baby and Me classes give students the chance to meet other kids and learn how to operate in a classroom setting. Sharing, turn-taking, and being kind are all concepts that we use during Baby and Me classes. Practicing these behavior standards at our studio will likely make their transition to pre-school and elementary school much smoother! 

3. Dancer-Parent Bonding Time!

As a parent myself, I can attest to how fast those toddler years come and go. Your child is only a baby for so long, and once they grow up, you can’t get those precious years back! Our Baby and Me classes are packed with pretend-play and games that are sure to bring TONS of precious smiles. The special bonding moments we see in class each week are priceless! Spend some quality time with your toddler before they are old enough to want to do things WITHOUT you! Oh no! 😉

4. Confidence Building

Seriously though, the transformations we witness in our toddler classes are kind of crazy! The first week of class, many toddlers are paralyzed with shyness, clinging to mom/dad, or even nervous to enter the room. It’s normal for a little one who is just getting acquainted to a new environment! But by the end of our Baby and Me classes, our toddlers are leaping through the air, diving onto our obstacle courses, and dancing for joy as soon as they hear music. We watch them go from nervous nellies to brave young movers who are willing to try new things. 

As a dance studio offering classes for all ages, we are proud to offer toddler activities in Cedar Rapids that are not only fun, but also educational for children. Our Baby and Me classes are packed with tools that will help your child grow and develop as people.

Ready to join the fun? Our Baby and Me classes take place at our Cedar Rapids location on Wednesdays at 9:30am and 5:30pm. We are still accepting enrollment and we would love to meet your tiny dancer! Head over to our website to register online today! 

Navigating the Recital: A Guide for First-time Dance Parents

first time dance parents

We are getting SO excited for our Annual Recital! Our students will be taking the stage Sunday, June 2 at the Paramount Theater. Watching our student do what they love on stage is one of the BEST parts of what we do at Prestige Dance Studio. Putting on a full production is a lot work! We greatly appreciate everything our staff, dancers, and dance families do in preparation for the big show. 

The first dance recital can be full of nonstop surprises for the first-time dance parent. Dance has its own culture of expectations and traditions, and they all converge on recital day.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the following insider tips can help you make the most of your first dance recital, whether your dancer is a toddler or a teen. Read through our tips carefully, and if you need help or clarification, ask! Our dedicated team is happy to help. We want ALL our dance families to feel prepared and confident as they head into the performance. 

Insider Tips:

Bring snacks and activities. Recitals can seem long to young children, around an hour and a half of dancing in each show. Be prepared to stay and cheer for every number, and, more importantly, prepare for your dancer to be happy when he or she is back stage. Send some things to entertain your child; card games, a sketch pad or stuffed animal can make the wait much shorter. Also plan for your dancer to be hungry. Recital times often coincide with snack or meal times, so bring non-messy foods, such as dried fruit and nuts, cheese and crackers, or granola bars are good options. Avoid sodas and juices- just a cold bottle of water is perfect!

Costume tips and tricks. You may have several costumes to manage. When you pick up your child’s costumes, avoid the temptation to let her wear them before dress rehearsal. They should look fresh for the performance. Costumes can be itchy, too. Sequins and glitter come at the cost of comfort sometimes. All of our hairpieces are worn on the dancer’s right side. It also helps to keep accessories for each costume in a zip lock bag inside of each costume bag. And whatever you do, don’t forget your dancer’s shoes!

Come equipped. Planning and preparation are key. Bring tissues, make-up supplies, plenty of bobby pins and hair elastics. A comb and hairspray are crucial additions to your recital bag. And don’t forget a fresh new pair of tights!

About the hair. Speaking of bobby pins, a little bun know-how can go a long way. Check out our recital hair video here. Dance buns can seem daunting at first, but with a few practices and some insider knowledge, you’ll master them in no time. First, wet or damp hair is much easier to work with than dry hair with all its flyaway action. Texturizing spray is also a great tool to tame and prepare your dancer’s hair. Brush her hair out and pull it into a tight ponytail.

At this point, if your dancer has shorter to medium-length hair, you can use a bun-maker—also known as those squishy nets shaped like doughnuts and invest in some high-quality hair pins to secure the bun. A hairnet will help keep everything looking slick and smooth. Look for pins that are the same color as your dancer’s hair and tuck them in tight. Keep in mind that your dancer is going to be jumping and twirling, arms moving every which way. Building a hair-pin and hairspray fortress will help to keep that bun in place through all the action and in the short time that they wait backstage.

Don’t forget your tickets! All attendees are required to have a ticket for admittance (with the exception of the dancer). Our seating is general admission, so arriving early to secure seats is encouraged.

Plan for a gift. Recital gifts are a strong tradition in dance. You can pre-order flowers through the studio that you can pick up at the event. And if your dancer is not the flower type, they may love the annual recital animal this year! Younger dancers love receiving stuffed animals to help them remember their first recital for a long time to come.

Save the memories. If you can be at the dress rehearsal at the Paramount, consider taking photos and video there. The crowd is less…crowded, the children are in costume, and this frees you up to just be present and celebrate your child during the actual performance. Cameras are not allowed to be used during the recital performance. Even easier: just order the DVD that we produce. It’s an extra investment that pays for itself and your dancer can even enjoy watching the show at home.

Most of all, remember that our children are little emotional sponges. It’s normal for parents sometimes to feel anxious or nervous about their children’s first events. But work to avoid channeling your nerves to your child, who is just excited for a fun experience. Remind yourself of what’s most important (your child’s enjoyment of the show experience), take a deep breath and cheer for your dancer. If you observe that your dancer is nervous, remind him or her that everyone is there simply to celebrate a great year of dancing and to enjoy the show!

It is going to be another GREAT performance!

ps. Additional recital details, order forms, and schedules can all be found on our recital page