Back to School, Back to Dance!

school year dance classes

It’s officially back-to-school season! Most of our Prestigians have already headed back for their first day of the 2021/2022 school year. This time of year is SO exciting for our kids, especially coming off of our last crazy school year! 

Heading back to school usually comes with new school supplies, new teachers, and best of ALL, new DANCE classes! That’s right, back 2 school means back 2 dance. We have officially kicked off our 2021/2022 Dance Season! Have you joined us yet? The studio is BUZZING!

Today on the blog, it’s time to break down just a few of the reasons why the school year just isn’t the same without dance classes. Having a weekly dance class to look forward to will take your child’s year to the next level. 

4 Reasons Why Dance Is the Perfect Supplement to Your Child’s Schedule This School Year:

1. Dedicated Time for Being Active

After sitting at desks for most of the day, children need time in their schedule to get up and MOVE. When you sign your child up for school year dance classes, you are ensuring that your child will stay active for the entire year. We get our heart rates up and build strength & flexibility, all while having the MOST fun!

2. Social Time Outside of School

Dance friends are the best friends! When your child can connect with their peers outside of school, it adds to their social skills and gives them tools for building lifelong friendships. At dance, we build eachother up and work together, which teaches children how to connect and care for others.

3. A Confidence Boost

This one may be the most valuable benefits of dance, and we see it ring true for our students time and time again. When a child learns a new skill, especially a performing art, they learn how to be comfortable in their own skin. We teach them that their bodies can do spectacular things, and they end up carrying that confidence with them through everything they do. 

4. A Much-Needed Brain Break

As children head back to school, you may notice that their brains are fried by the end of the school day. With so much mental energy going into their schoolwork, they really need afterschool activities to give their brain a break. In dance class, we often quiet our brains and let our bodies do the work, especially towards the end of class! We dedicate time in every class to just let go and dance! 

As we head back to dance for our 9th Season, we are continuing to support, nurture, and uplift our dancers as they get into the back-to-school groove. We know our school year dance classes offer them both something to look forward to, AND something that most of them can’t go without! 

So, if you’re looking for something fun and valuable to add to your child’s schedule this school year, look no further than Prestige Dance Studio! We offer weekly dance classes for ages 1-18 and we would love to welcome your child! With many classes full already, be sure to register quickly to get a spot in the perfect class.