Tips for Your BEST Performance

Tips for your best performanceWith our performance team’s seasons in full swing and recital right around the corner, we are in performance mode here at Prestige Dance Studio! We LOVE technique class and the work we do in weekly rehearsals, but there is something SO special about watching that hard work come together when our dancers step on stage. Performances are an opportunity for dancers to not only show off their technique but to show their personality and get valuable experience growing as a performer.

Just like dance technique, becoming a stronger performer takes practice! Today we have rounded up several GREAT articles that give dancers practical tips as they prepare to take the stage. We encourage you to share these tips with your dancers! With a little preparation and a game plan, your dancer will feel confident and ready to do their best when they step on stage.

Prime Your Mind to Perform

This article gives a lot of suggestions for things your dancer can do to prepare their mind as they get ready to take the stage. Our favorite tip- mental reps! Encourage your dancer to visualize themselves performing their choreography perfectly. This is a GREAT habit to encourage dancers to do daily. The more they practice, the more effective this type of  “rehearsing” becomes!

7 Secrets of Super Performers

Are you ready to take your performances to another level and become a super performer? This article outlines what “super performers” do when they are on stage. We love the reminder that you are never alone on stage, even in a solo! You have to find a way to connect with the audience. In a group piece, this means also finding ways to connect with your fellow dancers. It is all about intentional focus and energy!

7 Steps to Becoming Your BEST Performer

This article has a lot of great, simple tips for dancers. One reminder that ALL dancers need to remember is to stay open to feedback and criticism as they head into performance season. There is ALWAYS room to improve as a performer. Becoming a stronger dancer and performer is a journey!

We LOVE watching our dancers shine on stage. Seeing their confidence and growth year after year is just one of the reasons we love what we do here at Prestige Dance Studio.

Hopefully, these helpful articles leave you feeling excited and inspired heading into our recital, our upcoming performances, and our competition season. What tips are you excited to share and implement with your dancer? Tell us in the comments or share on our studio Facebook page!