We are Looking for Dancers to Join our 2018/2019 Performance Teams!

Competitive Dance Team


Audition for one of our award-winning teams! Believe it or not, we are already starting to think about next season at Prestige Dance Studio. We are looking for confident, hard-working dancers to join our performance teams for the 2018/2019 season. 

At the June audition, we will be holding auditions for both of our performance teams, P.Co and P.Com. Interested families should plan on attending the parent meeting in May. In addition to covering requirements and expectations, there will be ample time for questions. We also highly recommend attending the clinics leading up to the audition. This will give you (and your child!) a sneak peek into what our performance teams are like.

Below, you can learn a little bit about each of our teams and start to think about which might be the best fit for your child.

P.Co is our competitive dance team. 

As a member of P.Co, dancers compete all styles of dance. They learn teamwork, responsibility, and commitment in an energetic and fun-filled atmosphere. P.Co dancers attend dance conventions, four regional competitions, and a national dance competition throughout their season.

Curious what being a part of a competitive dance team is like? Check out our studio vlog!

We documented our experience attending a regional dance competition. Dance competitions are a great opportunity for dancers to perform, push themselves outside of their comfort zones, and make SO many memories alongside their teammates.

P.Com is Prestige Dance Studio’s community expo team.

P.Com team members represent Prestige Dance Studio in the Cedar Rapids area. The dancers perform four to six times throughout the school year. They learn, rehearse, and perform jazz and hip-hop routines. Dancers learn discipline, teamwork, and showmanship.

P.Com members get a TON of performance experience and learn to be flexible (we perform in a variety of venues!). Our P.Com members get to experience the joy of sharing dance with the community first hand!

Both of Prestige Dance Studio’s performance teams offer students the opportunity to gain additional performance experience, be a part of a dedicated group of dancers, and work intensively alongside their teachers and the studio director. In addition to weekly dance technique classes, dancers attend weekly rehearsals. Students learn the value of hard work, are motivated to reach their full potential, and make lasting relationships with their teammates and teachers.

If you have a dancer at home that is looking for something beyond a weekly class, is itching to perform more, and anxious to grow as a dancer… one of our performance teams could be a GREAT fit. We may be just what you are looking for.

Good luck to all auditioning. We are looking forward to another great season!