Becoming a Prestige Parent: As Easy as 1, 2, 3!

kids activities in Cedar Rapids

There are very few things we love more than our Prestige dance parents! They are the people who make it ALL possible here at the studio. From driving your dancers to the studio each week, cheering them on at competitions, and investing year after year in your child’s passions, NONE of it goes unnoticed. 

When it comes to signing your child up for an extracurricular activity, we know it can be a hassle. That’s why WE make becoming a Prestige parent a walk in the park! Our quick registration process and easy-to-navigate website are only SOME of the reasons why we are one of the best kids activities in Cedar Rapids!

Becoming a Prestige Parent is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Browse our Current Class Schedule to Find the Perfect Class

Have a specific day that works best for you? Multiple kids with different ages? We’ve got you covered. We categorize our class schedule both by day AND by age, making it easy to find whatever you need most!

We are currently accepting enrollment in our 2020/2021 Dance Season! To view the schedule by day, click here. To view the schedule by age, click here. Visit our class descriptions page or contact us to learn more about our dance styles!

2. Visit our Parent Portal to Select Your Class! 

Take care of your enrollment all virtually with our online portal! If you’re enrolling more than one child, the “add another student” button comes in handy, so you won’t have to repeat the process.

If you’re new to the Prestige family, you’ll be asked to make an account by filling out a quick form. It will just take a few minutes!

3. Smile! It’s time to experience excellence! 

Easy as that, you’re ready for class! We are certain that our amazing classes will bring smiles to your whole family. Our team can’t wait to meet your dancer!

We are proud to offer one of the best kids activities in Cedar Rapids year after year. Convenience for parents plus fun for your child means pure joy! That joy will continue, because becoming a Prestige Parent will be a decision you cherish for years to come.

We greatly value our dance parents and what they do for their children. Our studio thrives because of the unwavering support we receive from our families. Today we’re sending a GIANT thank you to ALL of our Prestige Dance Parents! 

5 Reasons Why Dance is One of the Best Activities for Kids! Dance Makes You Smarter, Healthier, and More Confident!

best activities for kids

As a parent, we know there are TONS of activities for your kids to do. Of course, we are a little biased, but we truly feel that dance is one of the best gifts a parent can give their child. All of our staff members here at Prestige hold dance near and dear to their hearts. There is SO much value in dance that goes far beyond just learning the steps. Here are 5 reasons why dance is one of the best activities for kids!

1. Dance improves memory retention.

In our classes, our students are constantly learning sequences: warm-up sequences, across the floor sequences, and whole 3 minute dances. Our teachers help them with a technique called “chunking,” or grouping pieces of information together to make memorization easier. This is an essential technique that our dancers can take with them to school as they are studying for an exam. While a lot of other activities for kids involve physical activity, memorization skills are what makes dance all the more valuable.

2. Dance helps kids stay healthy.

It’s no surprise that our classes are a work-out! We challenge our dancers every day to push their bodies and challenge themselves physically. Dance requires strength; it takes muscle to hold your leg in the air while turning! Dance requires flexibility, which makes our students’ muscles and joints healthier as they move through stages of development. And cardiovascular health is a must-have in order to get through a 3-minute dance on stage. Our classes help kids stay healthy, and we love seeing them get up and MOVE!

3. Dancers learn incredible coordination and are pros at multitasking!

Ask any dancer and they will tell you that we are CONSTANTLY thinking about at least 6 things at once. One pirouette requires about 10 different actions that must all be completed in half a second. We are often reminding our students to point their toes, straighten their knees, bring their shoulders down and back, use their plie, strengthen their arms, chin up… the list goes on! When kids have the ability to think about many different things at once, their brains are better equipped to accomplish complex tasks and handle the stressors of everyday life.

4. Dance cultivates multiple styles of learning.

At school, education is often tailored to auditory learners or those who can hear words and turn those words into knowledge. But the fact is, that is NOT how every kid learns. In dance class, kids must use visual learning techniques to watch their teacher and translate movement into their own bodies. It also gives them a chance to explore their creativity. Dance works a child’s brain in ways that they don’t always have the opportunity to explore at school. Don’t believe us? Check out this article on why dance is just as important as math!

5. Dancers learn to be confident in their own skin.

This one is SO important for kids as they move through different stages of development. Perfecting a routine and performing for an audience makes kids step out of their comfort zone and show people what they can do. We really see students come out of their shell during performance season. Even in class, we watch our students become comfortable with their bodies as they realize all of the beautiful things they can accomplish. Dance (and teaching dance!) is SO rewarding.

Dance is FUN, and we know that holds value in and of itself. But parents, don’t worry. Behind all that fun is a whole set of valuable skills that are making your kid smarter, healthier, and more confident. Trust us, we see the wheels turning every single day.

We are still accepting enrollment in some classes if your child is looking for MORE dance! Check out our Cedar Rapids Schedule and our Marion Schedule. Just contact the studio to learn more! Happy dancing!