Spring Back To Dance

Spring Dance is so much fun, find the best ways to jump back into dance after break

Did you have a relaxing spring break? We hope you and your dancer got a chance to recharge because we have an exciting couple months coming up! Between competitions, community performances, and recital, spring dance is going to get FUN! Before things get crazy, this is the perfect time to check in with your dancer to make sure they are ready for it all.

To spring back to dance, you will want to take inventory or have a chat with your dancer about the following:

  • Do their dance clothes still fit? A change in season is the perfect time to try on dance clothes and shoes and make any purchases if necessary. At Prestige, we have a ton of styles to choose from along with shoes and tights. Make sure to take a peek at the dress code before buying any new dance apparel!
  • Are there any lingering injuries? If your dancer has been complaining of pain during the winter months and it still hasn’t improved, now would be the perfect time to get evaluated by a medical professional. Here is a great article talking about the distinction between pain and regular muscle soreness.
  • What is the plan for summer? We have an AMAZING line up for summer dance along with some super fun camps and intensives. If your dancer has been talking about trying a new style, summer is the perfect time! It is also a great time to try out a larger class load before the craziness of fall kicks in. You can read more about all we have to offer this summer in one of our blog posts!
  • How about the fall? We know it is barely spring but the fall will be here before you know it.  Our fall schedule and recommendations will be posted and emailed the week of March 26-30. Priority registration will start the first week in April. Now would be a great time to talk about the activities your child would like to try. It’s also a great time to talk about the amount of dance they would like to take on and if they are interested in auditioning for one of our performance teams.

We hope you enjoy the rest of your Spring Break and are just as excited as us to spring back to dance! We have some exciting things happening at the studio and can’t wait to see it all come to life!