Sharing our “Why”

It is an exciting time at Prestige Dance Studio! We are less than ONE week away from our Spring Recital. This is hands down our favorite time of the year. Seeing our students shine on stage and share their love of dance with their family and friends is SO rewarding.

We know that recital week requires a lot of energy and time from our dance families. We greatly appreciate ALL our families do to make our recital a success. In the midst of this busy week, we thought this was the perfect time to share a little behind the scenes. Today we are sharing  WHY we do what we do here at the studio. Read on to learn more about our studio values at Prestige Dance Studio!

“My goal, for every dancer that we see at the studio, is to provide them with amazing dance lessons. MORE importantly, we will teach them accountability. We will teach them commitment. We will help them identify which things are in their control.” -Jess Novotny

Accountability, commitment, and resilience are skills that will not only lead to success in the dance studio, but success in life! As we develop new class offerings, programs, and get ready for our spring recital, this goal is ALWAYS a part of the discussion.

Dancers have lots of opportunities to strengthen their resiliency throughout their dance journey at the studio. When dancers face challenges, studio owner Jess Novotny encourages students to think about what is in their control and what isn’t. Knowing what you can change and and what you can let go of is a powerful skill for our dancers to have in their tool belt! Life will always have struggles and hurdles. Our goal is that our dancers learn to take those struggles in stride and have strategies on hand for facing them head on!

We want to build strong kids that understand the value of hard work and go on to become successful adults. Of course, we hope along the way they become incredible, passionate dancers, but when we really break it down our number one priority is helping kids in the long run become good little people!

We could not be MORE proud of our dancers at the studio. It is a privilege to be a part of their journey and play a role in shaping their future. Thank to to ALL our dance families for trusting our vision and supporting everything we do. We are looking forward to an incredible 2019 Spring Recital and can’t wait to celebrate ALL our dancers have accomplished this school year!