Quick and Easy Dance HACKS!

dance hacks

When you have spent your whole life dancing you pick up a trick or two! Today we are sharing a few simple dance hacks that should make you life as a dancer (or dance parent!) just a little bit easier. Did we miss something? Have something to add? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page!

Get a dance bag.

This is probably obvious to older students- but if you have a little one that takes just once a week, they also need a small bag. Get in the habit of ALWAYS returning their shoes to the bag after class and find a safe spot in your home for the bag to live. Getting out of the house with little ones is hard enough- don’t add “find the ballet shoes” to your list of tasks.

Big bobby pins!

Moving on to our older dancers. Have you seen the packs of big bobby pins? Get them! You will be able to put your hair up in a bun with 5-6 pins vs 30+ of the smaller ones. Bonus- less bobby pins for your parents to find ALL over the house:) Some dancers also have success with hair pins. Play around with what tools work best and you may be able to save yourself some serious time.

Get a laundry bag.

Are smelly shoes an issue? Pick up a small mesh laundry bag that you can hang outside of your dance bag. At the end of the night put your just worn shoes in the mesh bag and let them sit out overnight. We can’t promise this will fix everything.. but you will be a few steps ahead in the smell department if you do this rather then toss a damp pair of shoes in your bag.

Clear nail polish for runs in tights.

Clear nail polish is great to have on hand for performances, competitions, and even class. If you catch a run or hole early you may be able to make it through the remainder of the day without your tights being completely destroyed. Just paint over the edge of the hole or run, and allow a few minutes for it to dry.

Use dental floss to sew your shoes.

My first pointe teacher had us sew our point shoes with white, unwaxed (unless you want minty pointe shoes) dental floss and I have never gone back. I’ve used it to sew shoes and repair costumes in a pinch. Floss is more durable than string, and it is easy to thread your needle.

Toiletry bag.

It never hurts to be prepared! Put together a small bag of extra toiletries and dancer supplies. Keep this bag in your dance bag- and be sure to throw it in before performances. What to keep in your bag: travel hairspray, small brush, hair ties and bobby pins, safety pins, floss and needle, deodorant, face wipes, clear nail polish, band-aids, chapstick, energy bar, and hand sanitizer.   You’ll be ready for anything!