New Stretch & Strength Class at Prestige Dance Studio

New Class at Prestige Dance Studio

Lets’ talk about cross-training for dancers! We are super excited to be offering a Stretch & Strength class to our dancers Monday evenings with Miss Alyssa at Prestige Dance Studio this Fall. Anyone curious? Interested in giving it a try but unsure if it will make a difference in your technique? Spoiler alert.. it will 🙂 Today we are going to break down what exactly cross-training is, why it is important, and also give you a few ideas for working in some conditioning at home.

Cross-training is training outside of your main activity that improves overall fitness. So for dancers, it would be swimming, pilates, yoga, running, lifting weights, or any activity that is NOT dancing. The goal is finding ways to build strength and increase flexibility in muscles that are not always targeted in a dance class. Dance classes tend to target the same muscles over and over again- which puts dancers at risk for overuse injuries and muscular imbalances. Training outside of dance can help to correct those imbalances and help dancers continue to make strides in their technique working their bodies in a new way. Listen to an expert weigh in!

Most dancers would agree that the way to get better at a certain skill is to repeat that skill a million times. While this is true; cross training can help dancers reach their goals faster and reduce dancers risk for an injury. Lets’ break down a grand jete (a leap). A dancer can practice her leaps every week faithfully but if she has weak glutes or is lacking the dynamic flexibility she needs for a perfect “split”, it’s going to be awhile before she starts to see any improvements. Now lets’ pretend that this dancer starts attending Stretch & Strength class with Miss Alyssa. She starts doing lunges and squats to work on her lower body strength. She also works on some squat jumps so she can practice engaging her glutes when she jumps. They do leg swings and spend additional time stretching. Not to mention the additional abdominal work! Any guesses as to how her leaps are going to look after a few months? My bet is that she is going to see big improvements.

Cross-training should be a part of your routine. Think about what you need as a dancer. What feedback do you get from your teachers? Do you need more flexibility, more strength, or more stamina? Pick an activity outside of dance that can support your goals. Cross-training can help you to make huge strides in your technique, avoid injury, and be a great stress reliever! Ready to get started? Miss Alyssa would love to see you in class. Contact the studio to set up your trial! Here are a few links to workouts that can be done at home. Happy cross-training dancers!

Beginners Pilates 20 Minute Workout

Quick Yoga Workout

Cardio and Strength Building Workout