Helpful Hints to Make Sure Your Child’s First Dance Class is a Success

Helpful hints to make sure your child's first dance class is a success

A child’s first dance class is a very special event. Maybe your dancer has been asking for MONTHS to take a class, or you had to wait until the start of a new session to enroll, or perhaps YOU danced as a child and have been patiently waiting to share your love of dance with your son or daughter. Regardless of your situation, emotions tend to run high that first day:)

Both parents and students have expectations of how the first class should go. At Prestige Dance Studio, we WANT your child’s first dance experience to exceed your expectations. Nothing makes us happier than watching our students leave after their first class with a smile ear to ear!

A few helpful hints to make sure your child’s first dance class is a success:

  1. Arrive a few minutes early. Arrive with enough time to get your child’s shoes on, use the restroom if needed, put your things away, and get a general lay of the land. Rushing is the last thing you want to do on that first day!
  2. If possible, bring your child to the studio for an open house. If at all possible, it is helpful (especially for students ages 3-6!) to bring your child to the studio before the first day. Point out the studios. Find the bathrooms. Provide them with an opportunity to get familiar with the studio before the first day.
  3. Bring a rested, fed child to dance class. Make sure your child has a snack before class. If they still take naps, try to respect their need for rest and find a class that works around that nap schedule. You know your child- if they are falling apart at home around 5:30 pm, a dance class at that time might not be the best option.
  4. Arrive mostly ready for class. Arrive at the studio with tights and leotard already on and hair pulled up. Getting tights on a toddler or preschool student is not the easiest thing in the world… doing at home will be much less stressful than trying to do it at the studio:)
  5. Buy shoes and apparel well in advance. Tights, leotards, and dance shoes fit differently than other clothes and shoes. Have them do a trial run at home and make sure everything fits properly. All dancewear and shoes can be purchased through the studio.
  6. Talk through what is going to happen before they arrive. For many children, a dance class is their first independent class experience. Talk about how they’ll get ready. Talk about their teacher. Remind them that they will be dancing with new friends in class and that you will watch. Talk about how proud of them you will be afterward!

Feeling prepared? We are looking forward to meeting a new round of first-time dancers and dance parents this summer and fall. We are also still accepting enrollment in our upcoming Troll Camp! Troll Camp would be the perfect introduction to dance classes at Prestige Dance Studio. Contact the studio to learn more or with any questions about your child’s first dance class. We look forward to getting to know your family!