Looking to help our studio families post storm?

Many of our Prestige families and community members our facing devastating damage following the recent storms. We are pulling together our efforts and organizing a donation drive. If you would like to contribute please donate via Venmo to @Jess-Novotny. 

One of our sweet dancers, Hattie was badly injured in an accident during clean up from the storm. 8-year old Hattie was airlifted to the University of Iowa hospital and is currently in a medically induced coma fighting for her life. She is a member of the Prestige Community Expo team, a true example of what it means to be a leader, friend and teammate and has been a part of the Prestige Family since 2014.

Prestige Dance Studio has organized a fundraiser for the family. When you purchase a Hattie bracelet, $5 from each bracelet will go to the family to use as they like.

We love her and her family to pieces and are praying hard for a speedy and safe recovery. We are excited to show her our support both monetarily and on our wrists.

Thank you in advance for your continued support!