Great Ways To Remember This Year’s Recital!

Memories for dance recitals are so important! Make sure you remember this years!

Is anyone else completely blown away that recital is just a few weeks away?! Our teachers and staff are busy perfecting dances, finalizing lighting, and working hard to make sure the day goes off without a hitch. All the while, your dancers are busy remembering notes and perfecting their recital looks! With it being such a busy time of year (not only at the studio but also in your personal life), I’m sure it feels like you are going at 60 miles an hour just to get through it all. We want to make sure that when it comes to recital you are able to slow down and really enjoy the moment with your dancers.

Don’t get us wrong, it is still going to go fast but we hope there are a few precious moments in there that you will really remember. Maybe you will remember helping your dancer get ready or seeing them shine during their favorite number on stage.  Or maybe when you got to meet them after the performance to finally tell them how amazing they were. Whatever moment sticks for you, hold on to that! Write it down in a journal and tell your friends, you’ll want to remember that for years to come!

Another great way to hold on to those memories is to make a keepsake from this year’s recital. We found a few great ideas that you can start this year! A great one for first-time recital dancers is to make a shadow box filled with a recital photo, shoes from this year, ticket stubs, program, and maybe even a dried flower from the show. For those long-time dancers, we love the idea to keep a ballet/tap/jazz shoe from every year and create a display with yearly pictures for your dancer’s room. We think this one is adorable! Make sure to write the year, recital theme, and the name of their favorite dance in each shoe. Finally, for those dancers with a TON of old costumes, make a quilt! What a great way to remember all those years of dance at Prestige Dance Studio! This would make an amazing gift for those seniors going off to college. Queue the water works, right?!

However you decide to commemorate this year’s recital, we are so excited to show you all that your dancers have accomplished this year. We know you will be beaming with pride and will have a blast!

Check here for more recital information, we can’t wait to see you there!