Best of the Web! Dance Links That are Worth the Click

dance links

Today we have rounded up dance links from around the web. We live in a GREAT time to be a dancer. Between youtube, websites, blogs, facebook… dance information and inspiration has never been more assessable. Enjoy our round-up! Have a video or article we need to see? Share it on our facebook page or in the comments!

A letter to my dance students. Great reminders as we really get into the bulk of the school year. We all know that dance is a lot of work. It requires SO much energy from students, their families, and teachers. All the hard work pays off in the form of SO MANY gifts both in and out of the classroom. Please share with your teen and pre-teen dancers. At Prestige Dance Studio, we want the best for our students and work each week towards helping them reach their goals. We hope our students (and their families!) know how much we want them to succeed.

Alex Wong doing his version of burpees. Miss Jess originally shared this video, but it’s worth taking another look! Do you remember Alex Wong from SYTYCD? He is a former professional ballet dancer who competed on the show and has gone on to do MANY things in dance, from commercial work to Broadway. Well… this is Alex at the gym. Perhaps something to incorporate into next week’s ballet classes? #goals

The world needs more dance. A beautiful story about ballet classes being offered in the slums of Nairobi. Inspirational and a great reminder of how fortunate we are to have the resources we do. The teacher featured is doing amazing things within his community! Dance is truly a universal language.

Anyone need a new fall dance wardrobe? We are LOVING the colors and fit of this line. Unfortunately, it looks like they only carry adult sizes. Fingers crossed they expand into youth sizes! Really creative leotards. A good one to bookmark for Christmas:)

Takeaways from competitions. A panel weighs in on the biggest takeaways from dance competitions. These former competitive dancers have gone on to dance professionally, work with college dance programs, and have careers in related fields. We loved hearing about their transitions and how competing prepared them for their future.

Thriller. In honor of Halloween approaching we HAD to share this classic video. Has your dancer seen it? A crucial part of their dance education! Share it please:)