3 Things We LOVE Showing Off at Our Parent Observation Week

Cedar Rapids Dance Studio

We’ve got an exciting week coming up at Prestige! The week of February 22nd is Parent Observation Week and we can’t wait to open the doors to our Cedar Rapids dance studio! Prestige parents are welcome during the last 10 minutes of their students’ class. Be sure to mark your calendars and RSVP to our Facebook event so you get those reminder notifications. 

In the meantime, we’d love to share what this week is ALL about. We’ve got great students here at Prestige, and we can’t help but show them off! More importantly, it’s a moment in the middle of the year to do something for our Prestige parents, who do SO much for their kids and for our studio. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating your kids’ progress. We promise to impress! 

3 Things We LOVE to Show Off at Our Parent Observation Week:

1. Our Latest and Greatest Skill Progressions

This time of year is usually when our students start to REALLY get it when it comes to difficult skills. Things are clicking in their brains and they are thrilled at the thought of adding them to their recital dances. We invite you to come check out all the stellar progress we’ve made on those leaps, turns, tricks, and more! We know they make us proud. 

2. The Beginnings of Our Recital Dances!

Recital choreography is in full swing! Now is your chance to get a sneak peek of your child’s dances that we’re gearing up to perform in June. Sharing this with our parents really builds the excitement for the kiddos.

3. The Joy and Excitement That Hasn’t Faded Since Fall

Amazing dance moves are great, but we know that those priceless smiles top everything else. Our Parent Observation Week is our way of reminding you of how valuable your support for your child is, and how much joy we witness in class each week. 

So, will we see you there?! During the last 10 minutes of every class, parents who feel comfortable are welcome to stop in and check out what we’ve been working on! If you are uncomfortable being in the classroom during that week, send us an email and we would be happy to help!

Parent Observation Week
February 22nd-28th
The last 10 mins of your child’s class! 

5 Ways to Stay Injury Free in the New Year

tips for dancers

Happy New Year Prestigians! 2021 may have been the most anticipated New Year’s celebration that we’ve ever imagined. After last year’s craziness, it’s safe to say that we ALL are ready to turn over a new leaf. Our dancers faced some unique challenges during the pandemic, which has inspired us to provide some useful tips for dancers on our blog in 2021! 

Dancing at home for months in 2020 made all of us shift our skill-building into smaller spaces and not-so-ideal flooring. We knew this was going to have an impact on our dancers, and since returning to the studio for our 2020/2021 Dance Classes, we’ve witnessed our students adjust and re-learn how to dance in big spaces. 

Our dedicated Prestige teachers recognize that this transition has probably made our dancers more prone to injuries in the last couple of months. But we are always here to help! Check out this list of 5 proven ways to stay injury-free this year! 

5 Ways to Stay Injury Free in 2021:

1. Stretch, Stretch, Stretch!

We’re putting this one at the top of our list because we KNOW that most of our dancers don’t do this as much as they should! It’s okay, we’re guilty too sometimes! Stretching is the act of lengthening muscles and tendons. Doing so increases your range of motion and takes stress off your joints when dancing. Longer and more flexible muscles are less likely to strain, pull, or cause pain elsewhere!

2. Strength Training

Dancers are athletes, and athletes must condition their bodies in addition to practicing their chosen sport or technique. If certain muscles are weak, the body begins compensating by overworking other muscles and joints. Of course, this leads to pain and difficult injuries. If you’re looking for some guidance, follow along with this great video! Tailored specifically to dancers, this Youtuber posts videos of super useful strength and stretch workouts!  

3. Roll It Out!

This one is especially important for our dancers that took a break from dance recently! Inactivity can lead to tightness in your muscles. Rolling out can help release and relax those muscles, increasing your range of motion. Foam rolling is also great for recovery AFTER dancing, reducing soreness and fatigue.

4. Placement Over Power

Here at Prestige, we often remind our dancers that proper placement and technique is more important than executing impressive tricks. We would ALWAYS rather see a clean single turn than a messy double, or a clean leap with low legs than a messy leap with legs in a split. When you are pushing for a skill that your body is not ready for or hasn’t perfected the technique for, injury is just one wrong move away. 

5. Always Give Yourself A Warm Up Before Practicing At Home

We LOVE when our dancers work on their skills and routines at home. But we were young once upon a time and we remember always wanting to jump RIGHT in with no warm-up or stretches! Don’t do it! You’ll regret it when you pull a muscle. Give yourself some light cardio, a quick stretch, and some pliés and relevés before going hard at home. 

We must admit, we have a ton of goals for 2021, but encouraging injury prevention among our dancers is high on the list! We take safety, longevity, and technique very seriously here at Prestige. We hope this list offers some great tips for dancers!

Did you know that we are still enrolling in our 2020/2021 Dance Classes?! If you are interested in adding a class or joining in on the fun this winter/spring, visit the schedule and get registered today. Contact us if you need assistance finding the perfect class for your dancer! 

The New Year served as a long-awaited fresh start for all of us! Here’s to a brighter year and staying injury-free in 2021!

5 Ways to Make Your Dancer Smile This Holiday Season!

holidays in Cedar Rapids

Who’s ready for a long-awaited break and a cozy close to the year 2020? We sure are! Our Prestige holiday break has officially started and we are wishing our dance families joy this holiday season. The holidays in Cedar Rapids may look different this year, and 2020 has thrown us some challenges, but DANCE has continued to make us smile through it ALL!

As our community dealt with COVID-19 this year, we feel proud to have continued providing dance classes to our students in safety. We’ve been here to give everyone something to smile about in 2020, and we don’t plan on stopping ANY time soon. 

Check out these 5 Ways to Make Your Dancer Smile This Holiday Season! 

1. Have a Virtual Nutcracker Watch Party!

Due to COVID-19, heading to the theater for this classic holiday tradition isn’t an option. But on the bright side, there are TONS of ways to enjoy the show from the comfort and safety of your home this year. 

Ballet companies all over the country are offering streamed versions of their productions! Check out this article for a complete list of shows, with many running through January! You could EVEN get dressed up with your dancer and create your own theater night at home. 

2. Ring in the New Year with a NEW Weekly Dance Class!

What better way to start fresh in 2021 than with a new activity on your child’s schedule?! We head back to the studio in January after our winter break and are accepting enrollment in our 2021 Dance Classes through January 15th! Now is a GREAT time for new dancers to join us or for Prestige students to add a new class to their schedule! 

Dance classes even make a perfect holiday gift too! Contact us HERE and we can register your dancer for a new class! Hurry over, because our enrollment window closes on January 15th!

3. Add some dance ornaments to your tree!

Young dancers LOVE decorating the tree, so why not add some special additions this year?! Purchase some from our local small businesses or make your own at home if you’re feeling crafty. Young dancers love adding this personal touch to their trees year after year. 

4. Watch White Christmas on Netflix!

We recommend this music and dance filled classic to all of our dance families around the holidays! Their dance numbers are simply incredible! It is available on Netflix and is a sure way to amaze your dancers who LOVE the spotlight. 

5. Read a dance book together!

The holidays are the perfect time to get cozy, cuddle up by the fire, and read dazzling dance stories that inspire your kids! Check out this amazing list of picture books for your littlest ballerinas! Complete with Misty Copeland’s newest book, Bunheads and the timeless classic, Dancing in the Wings by dance legend Debbie Allen, the list is sure to bring BIG grins! For your older dancers, we recommend Life in Motion by Misty Copeland! 

It is our holiday wish that our dancers and parents experience TONS of holiday cheer this season. We hope this list gives you something to smile about! After the crazy year we’ve had, it’s time to be merry with your loved ones! 

We can’t wait to see all of our dancers back at the studio in the New Year! We are ready to tackle 2021 and have high hopes for a GREAT year of dance. Happy holidays, from all of us here at Prestige!

Saying “Thank You” To Our Dance Parents

parents in Cedar Rapids

November is the month of giving thanks and our gratitude list feels extra important during the hectic and unexpected year we’ve had. This month during our weekly dance classes, we encourage our students to think about what they are thankful for as well!

Of ALL the things that we feel grateful for, our dance parents are certainly at the top of our list! Here at Prestige, we seriously have some of the best and most dedicated parents in Cedar Rapids! We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for them. 

So this November, we are sending a HUGE shout out to our Prestige Dance Parents. There’s so much to thank you for, but here are just a few highlights!

Prestige Parents, Thank You For…

  • Investing in your child’s well being and providing them with fun opportunities. Not every child gets a chance to dance, and one day, yours will thank you for the gift of a lifetime. 
  • Driving your children to and from dance class each week. We know it’s tedious…THANK YOU! 
  • Making sure your child has EVERYTHING they need. Leotards, tights, and even helping them find their lost dance shoes. 
  • Attending your child’s performances. Your smiling faces and loud applauses do not go unnoticed. 
  • Giving them those pep talks when needed. Kids need a pick-me-up sometimes, so thank you for always being there for them. 
  • Being patient and understanding. Two things that anyone living in 2020 needs a lot of!
  • Raising polite, respectful, and hardworking young kids. It makes our job a WHOLE lot easier. 
  • Supporting your child’s passions. You’re giving them something that lights them up inside, which is priceless. 
  • Your continuous support of Prestige Dance Studio. We are sending our enormous gratitude. 

Your unwavering and selfless support is something that makes us appreciative year after year! We really do have the best parents in Cedar Rapids right here at the studio.

This year has been rough on everyone, so more than ever we are wishing our Prestige Parents a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with your family, whether it be for a virtual meal or an in-person one. Thank you for ALL you do!

P.S. As we head into the Winter Months, be sure to follow us on facebook to stay in the know about holiday deals and special events! 

5 Reasons Why Fall is Our Favorite Time of Year!

fall activities in Cedar Rapids

🎵 Caramel on apples and pumpkins in patches, these are a few of our FAVORITE things! 🎵 Fall is simply the best! There are so many fun, cozy, and yummy things that Fall has to offer, but it can also be a season for new beginnings. For those of us who work with kids within a school-year calendar, that Fall buzz is really special! 🙂 

That’s right, back to school season means back to Fall Dance Classes! The first week of dance is always magical as we meet new dancers, greet returning ones, and find out which special students we have in class this year. That magic continues during the Fall months as we set the tone for the rest of the school year!

For all of our fellow Fall-lovers, we decided to put together a list of our Fall favorites! We’ve got sweet-treat recommendations, fun fall activities in Cedar Rapids, and tons of other goodies on this list. 

5 Reasons Why Fall is our Favorite Time of Year: 

1. Back to Dance at Prestige! 

No surprises here, heading back to dance makes Fall our favorite season! Recital season takes a close second, but nothing compares to the first day of dance when we meet all of our new students. 

There is still time to join us in our 2020 Fall Dance Classes as we make a safe return to the studio! Check out the schedule here and save your spot today! Read more about our COVID-19 Procedures here.

2. Pumpkin-Flavored EVERYTHING

Who DOESN’T love pumpkin spice lattes and an apple cider donut to go with it? Nothing makes us forget about summer ending better than our favorite sweet treats! At Prestige Dance Studio, we love supporting other small businesses in the Cedar Rapids area, especially ones that love Fall just as much as we do! 

We’ve had our eye on Rawlicious, a vegan cafe, for quite some time because of their Fall treats! From their Pumpkin Cheesecake, Apple Crisp, Caramel Apples, and of course their Pumpkin Spice Latte, their seasonal treats look like Fall must-haves this year! They even have a full Fall Menu, complete with a sweet potato burrito and a butternut bliss smoothie. Check them out and let us know how it tastes! 

3. Fall Events at Lindale Mall

Similar to us, our partners at Lindale Mall love hosting fun, family friendly events! They’ve got two Fall events coming up that we encourage ALL of our Prestige families to take advantage of this year! 

Sensitive Trick Or Treat
October 25th | 6:30-7:30pm
This event was created specifically for individuals with sensory concerns. Visit tables and stores throughout the main level to collect candy and show off your costume!

Candy Crawl
October 30th | 5:00-7:00pm
Take a stroll around the mall to show off your costume, trick-or-treat at participating retailers, and stop by center court to grab additional goodies! Open to children 12 and under.

4. Sweater Weather

Outfit of choice = Cozy sweater, legging, and boots! Check out Beauty Edit for your comfy Fall items! Located right here in Cedar Rapids, their newest clothing additions are SUPER cute. Definitely Fall must-haves!

5. Pumpkin Patches

You can’t end the Fall season without a trip to a pumpkin patch! Our favorite local Fall stop is Bloomsbury Farm, located in Atkins just 20 mins from the studio. They’ve got corn mazes, giant slides, obstacle courses, games, pig/duck races, and so much more! They also have tickets available now for a spooky Halloween event geared towards the older crowd! Check them out for some Fall fun that suits the whole family! 

Have anything to add to this list?! Let us know! We love finding more fall activities in Cedar Rapids each year! 

As much as we love munching on Fall treats and taking adorable photos with the colorful leaves, it’s really our Prestige family that makes us adore Fall each and every year. Thank you for returning to the studio for Fall Dance Classes each year and making us look forward to this special season! 

Becoming a Prestige Parent: As Easy as 1, 2, 3!

kids activities in Cedar Rapids

There are very few things we love more than our Prestige dance parents! They are the people who make it ALL possible here at the studio. From driving your dancers to the studio each week, cheering them on at competitions, and investing year after year in your child’s passions, NONE of it goes unnoticed. 

When it comes to signing your child up for an extracurricular activity, we know it can be a hassle. That’s why WE make becoming a Prestige parent a walk in the park! Our quick registration process and easy-to-navigate website are only SOME of the reasons why we are one of the best kids activities in Cedar Rapids!

Becoming a Prestige Parent is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Browse our Current Class Schedule to Find the Perfect Class

Have a specific day that works best for you? Multiple kids with different ages? We’ve got you covered. We categorize our class schedule both by day AND by age, making it easy to find whatever you need most!

We are currently accepting enrollment in our 2020/2021 Dance Season! To view the schedule by day, click here. To view the schedule by age, click here. Visit our class descriptions page or contact us to learn more about our dance styles!

2. Visit our Parent Portal to Select Your Class! 

Take care of your enrollment all virtually with our online portal! If you’re enrolling more than one child, the “add another student” button comes in handy, so you won’t have to repeat the process.

If you’re new to the Prestige family, you’ll be asked to make an account by filling out a quick form. It will just take a few minutes!

3. Smile! It’s time to experience excellence! 

Easy as that, you’re ready for class! We are certain that our amazing classes will bring smiles to your whole family. Our team can’t wait to meet your dancer!

We are proud to offer one of the best kids activities in Cedar Rapids year after year. Convenience for parents plus fun for your child means pure joy! That joy will continue, because becoming a Prestige Parent will be a decision you cherish for years to come.

We greatly value our dance parents and what they do for their children. Our studio thrives because of the unwavering support we receive from our families. Today we’re sending a GIANT thank you to ALL of our Prestige Dance Parents! 

4 Signs that Your Child Will LOVE Dance Classes at Prestige

dance classes for kids

Hey parents, how many of you remember the moment when you found your “thing?” In other words, the one activity you LOVED that stuck with you for the majority of your childhood (or maybe even the rest of your life if you’re like us!) More importantly, how many of you want your child to one day find THEIR “thing?”

Well here at Prestige Dance Studio, we love watching kids fall in love with dance. For many of our older students, dance is their activity of choice. It’s what motivates them, what they look forward to after school, and for some, it’s what they continue to pursue even in their adult years.

At Prestige Dance Studio, we welcome any child and help each of our students thrive in our dance classes for kids. But like any activity, dance may not be for everyone. So today on the blog, we’re giving you some clues on how to tell if dance is right for YOUR child. 

4 Signs That Your Child Will LOVE Dance Classes at Prestige:

1. They Can’t Listen to Music Without Moving

This is the first telltale sign that you’ve got a future dancer in the making! Those little baby bops come much more naturally for some kids than others, but they are the CUTEST thing. If your child bounces their knees, shakes their hips, and claps their hands whenever you play music, they are a NATURAL! We will help them turn those little grooves into big strides in dance class.

2. They Love Being Active

Is your child an explorer at home? Is it impossible to get them to stop climbing on your furniture, jumping on the bed, and leaping through the air? Send them our way! We highly recommend any of our infant and toddler classes, especially our Baby & Me, Teenie Tumble, and Hippity Hop classes! 

Your child will jump, leap, twirl, and climb their way through our fun-filled movement activities, getting all their energy out. And hopefully, when we send them back to you, they will be too pooped to cause any raucous at home!

3. They Like to Be Creative

Does your little one love crafts? Do they enjoy finding new, fun ways to do things? Chances are, you’ve got a creative mind on your hands and they will thrive in a dance class!

At dance, we teach our students to express themselves using their bodies. For the little ones, this often involves going crazy and letting their sillies out. But personal expression becomes incredibly important during the pre-teen and teen years. When a child has dance in their life from a young age, they grow up knowing that they have a safe space to let it ALL out. 

4. They Have a HUGE Imagination

Is your child all ears anytime they hear of something magical or whimsical? Do they like to play pretend and dress up in the most sparkly outfits? We can assure you, Prestige Dance Studio will become their new favorite place! 

Our infant and toddler classes use TONS of imaginative play to help children learn to dance. We don’t just gallop, we fly like unicorns! We don’t just tiptoe, we walk like royalty and curtsy to the other princes and princesses. Most importantly, our recital costumes will make your little dancer feel like a REAL superstar! 

If your child checks off most of the things on this list, it’s time to head to our website and view our 2020/2021 Dance Classes for Kids! We are now accepting enrollment for our Fall Classes and can’t wait to meet your little dancer in the making! Class sizes are limited this year due to health and safety guidelines, so register today before classes fill! 

3 Reasons Your Child Will Need Dance More than Ever This Fall

dance classes in Cedar Rapids

Fall is upon us and we know that back to school season is JUST around the corner! For the past month at Prestige, we’ve been busy getting our Fall Dance Schedule ready to go. As we look ahead to our next season of dance classes in Cedar Rapids, we couldn’t help but take a moment to reevaluate our programs after the unprecedented year we’ve had. 

Teaching dance classes during a pandemic reminds us of how valuable our programs are for young dancers. Our kids have gone through a lot of changes, confusion, and uncertainty lately. We know our students will be EXTRA thrilled to be at dance, and the feeling is mutual for our teachers and staff. 

Check out these 3 Reasons Why Your Child Will Need Dance MORE Than Ever This Fall:

1. Physical Activity

We all know quarantine had most of us glued to our couches more than normal. But even since our community has slowly opened back up, it’s been difficult to get back into a groove of being active. With pools closed and outdoor recreational activities limited, summer has been much less active for most kids. 

This makes it ALL the more important to ensure that your child is enrolled in something active this school year. We are confident that our socially distant classes will provide a boost of endorphins and keep your kids healthy this year!

2. Stress Relief

No matter what learning option your family is choosing for this upcoming school year, it will look different than normal for your child. It is difficult for students to learn virtually. But going back to school while wearing masks and staying socially distant poses a new set of challenges as well. 

Even though a child may not show stress in the same way adults do, changes to their routine take a toll on their emotions and behavior. Dance is an excellent way to forget about those stressors and let it ALL out. We are ready to incorporate tons of fun into our classes this year and remind our students that dance is their safe space to express themselves. 

3. Community Building & Personal Connection 

It’s no surprise that our kids may have been getting less attention and social engagement lately. This dance season, we are committing to offering support and personal attention more than ever because we know your kids deserve it. The Prestige family is built upon a love for dance, and we know that any child enrolled in our classes feels like they are a part of a welcoming community. Let’s stick together during this difficult time!

As much as this list was centered around the kids, we can’t deny that our teachers and staff are in need of some extra love as well! We think it’s safe to say that EVERYONE is eager for happy times ahead. Seeing our students’ smiling faces this year will be SO much sweeter than normal. 

Be sure to check out our Fall line-up of dance classes in Cedar Rapids. Click here to view the schedule listed by age, and here to view the schedule listed by day. Online registration is NOW OPEN, so don’t forget to save your spot today! 

4 Reasons Why YOU Should Join the Prestige Family This Fall

dance classes in Cedar Rapids

At Prestige Dance Studio, we are more than just a place to dance. Ask any of our staff or dancers, we are a giant family filled with long-lasting friendships and SO much joy to go around. When it comes time to register for fall dance classes in Cedar Rapids, our families are in for so much more than what meets the eye. 

Today on the blog, we are sharing 4 reasons why YOU should join the Prestige Dance Family this Fall. If your family is ready for an AMAZING class experience that is tailored to your child’s interests, joining our family will be the BEST decision you make this Fall. 

4 Reasons Why YOU Should Join the Prestige Family This Fall:

1. Tons of Options for Every Child and Family

There is something for everyone at Prestige Dance Studio. We offer dance classes in Cedar Rapids for ages 1-adults, making it easy for the whole family to join in the fun. Our Baby & Me and Tippy Toes classes are perfect introductory classes for tiny dancers working on their gross motor skills and having tons of fun. From there, our dance classes just keep getting better!

For kids who want to feel like princes and princesses by dancing gracefully on their toes, we recommend our ballet and lyrical classes. If your child loves music, rhythm, and making TONS of noise, our tap classes are a MUST! For kids with bubbly personalities who want to feel powerful, strong, and groovy, our Hip Hop, Jazz and Cheer are right for them. Lastly, if your child is fearless and ready to fly, tumbling is the way to go!

To learn more about our class offerings, visit our class description page!

2. Convenient Schedules

Parents are busy… SO, SO busy! That’s why we make our programs convenient and easy. Our most popular classes are offered as often as 6 times per week at different days and times. Finding a class that fits in with YOUR schedule has never been easier!

Our website and class schedules are easy to navigate. To view our Fall Dance Schedule, grouped by age, click here. To view our Fall Dance Schedule grouped by day, click here. 

3. Unique Performance Opportunities & Community Engagement

Our programs at Prestige go well beyond our weekly dance classes. Prestige’s recreational classes include a fabulous recital experience at the end of the year. All Prestige dancers put on their sparkly costumes and hit the big stage, building confidence and making memories that will last a lifetime.

In addition to our annual recital, Prestige is also home to 3 Competition Teams and 2 Community Performance Teams. These dedicated dancers perform both at competitions and community events, sharing their love of dance all year round. Check out our most recent virtual community performance for the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival! 

4. Welcoming Environment

At Prestige Dance Studio, we strive to make everyone feel welcomed, whether you’re brand new to the studio, and returning for your 10th year of dance! Our dedicated teaching and office staff will always greet you with a smile when you walk in our doors.

Every summer, we open up our doors for tons of Open House events so our Cedar Rapids community can see what we’re all about! Prestige Open Houses are your chance to tour the facility, meet our amazing staff, and get ALL your questions answered. We’d love to meet your family at one of our Open House dates below!

2020 Prestige Open Houses
July 16th 4:30pm-7pm
July 23rd 4:30pm-7pm
July 29th 4:30pm-7pm
August 5th 4:30pm-7pm
August 18th 4:30pm-7pm
*To allow for social distancing, please sign up for a time slot here.

We absolutely love seeing our dance families thrive every year at our studio. More importantly, we take great pride in how much our studio family grows each and every year. Our clients continue to come back while we watch our tiny movers grow into beautiful dancers. 

If YOU are ready to join the Prestige family, we are NOW accepting enrollment for our 2020/2021 Dance Season. Take a look at our schedule and dive into the best dance classes in Cedar Rapids today! 

4 Takeaways as We Close Out Our 2019-20 Season

dance in Cedar Rapids

Wow, just WOW! This week we hosted our first ever at-home recital week and we were SO thrilled at the results. To watch this challenging year end on such a positive note was incredibly heart-warming. We couldn’t help but share the Prestige Pride we are feeling! 

This season of dance in Cedar Rapids has been full of ups and downs. When we started preparing for time away from the studio, we had no idea what was ahead. As many of you may have experienced, there were bouts of positivity, bouts of not-so-great, and a whole lot of uncertainty! BUT, as we close out the season, a few things have been made SUPER clear! 🙂

Check out these 4 Takeaways as We Close Out Our 2019-2020 Season: 

1. We Have the Best Dance Parents

The spotlight may have been on the kids this past week, but we know that NONE of this would have been possible without our incredible dance parents. Zoom classes? Forget about it. Costume pick-up? Nope. At-home recital? Our parents are rockstars!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you Prestige Parents. Thank you for supporting your dancer through a tricky time. Thank you for your unwavering support of Prestige Dance Studio. It means the world, especially right now! 

2. We Have the Most Dedicated Students

Even though we hopped on Zoom each day with smiling faces and pointed toes, we know that all these changes haven’t been easy on our students. Learning dance through a screen and staying energized without in-person connection is a difficult task. But our dancers didn’t let ANYTHING stop them!

3. The Show Must Always Go On

We’ve loved getting the chance to teach one of the most important life lessons to our students: how to be resilient during tough times. After years of telling our kids to keep dancing on stage even if a shoe falls off or the music stops, it gives us great pride to be able to practice what we preach in real-time! 

We hope that our Prestige Families have been able to embrace this mantra as we all tackle this unpredictable new normal together. Yes, the kids have shown us how adaptable they can be. But our parents’ grit and determination as they’ve continued providing amazing opportunities for their families have completely blown us away! 

4. Dance Brings People Together

When we reflect upon the last couple of months, sometimes it is just unbelievable to think about what our community has done to stay connected! We were forced to separate ourselves (literally and figuratively) and yet we still managed to come together to dance, learn, and perform. 

For our instructors and staff, there was no question in our minds that we had to continue teaching and providing our kids with a creative outlet. For so many of our families, dance in Cedar Rapids was not something they’d give up easily. We can’t deny it, dance brings people together through thick and thin!

We hope that reading this list has made you feel a bit of the love we’ve been feeling as we close out our AMAZING year of dance in Cedar Rapids. We love our community and are so thankful for the families that call Prestige home.

Congrats to ALL our Prestige Dancers for an amazing season and a SPECTACULAR at-home recital week! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to view some adorable photos from our end-of-year virtual events!

Not ready for dance to end? Us either! We are back on for our fabulous summer camps and intensives. Between technique and skill-based intensives to themed camps for little ones, we’ve got something for every dancer! Head to our website to get registered today!