Goals And Why You Should Set Them With Your Dancers


With New Years right around the corner, people are busy thinking about all the resolutions they will commit to this coming year. From fitness to financials, ’tis the season for making promises to yourself and the people around you. This concept is probably very clear and familiar to you after years and years of goal setting. If you’re lucky, you may have even mastered the art of actually committing and achieving those resolutions unlike so many of us (yes, I admit I have let a few goals slip through my fingers over the years).

But what about your dancers,  what are their goals for 2017? Have no idea? Don’t worry you still have time to figure it out.  If you are wondering why exactly we are even talking about this, please read on! Although it is hard to pick just a few reasons to share with you, we hope it inspires you to take on the challenge of 2017 along with your dancers!

  • Focus– Have you ever been to the gym the day after New Years? It is a MAD HOUSE but do you see the looks on these new gym goers’ faces? They are determined! Dancers need that same focus in class. Especially mid-year when it is cold and sometimes miserable out, it can be hard to remember why we are spending all these hours at the studio. Setting goals can re-ignite your student’s passion remind them why they are there in the first place.
  • Confidence– How do you feel when you achieve a goal? I know when I accomplish something, whether big or small, it feels AMAZING! It makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. The more I accomplish, the more I feel like I can take on. We do this in dance class all the time (working on single pirouettes, then doubles, then triples). With each new skill, it gives the dancer more confidence to take on the next, more difficult challenge. This is one of those life-long skills that will stick with your dancers and serve them well in any area of their life.
  • Resiliency– Goals aren’t always easy and that is how they should be! Setting and working toward goals teaches your dancers that it is worth it to KEEP GOING. Even when things don’t go their way, if they have that specific goal in front of them, they will be less likely to wave the white flag (maybe sometimes with a little encouragement from you but that is ok!). We all know that life is tough sometimes and the earlier you work on this skill, the better. They will be much more equipt to handle all the things life throws their way in the future if you practice with them now.

Are you inspired yet? I know I am! Take the time to talk about your 2017 goals with your dancers now and check in with them every couple months or so to see how they are coming. HINT: Talk about your goals with them too and make it more of a conversation. It is so good for them to see how you handle your successes and struggles!

We can’t wait to see all the great things they accomplish this year!

Best of the Web HOLIDAY EDITION!!

holiday guide prestige dance studio

We LOVE to celebrate family at Prestige Dance Studio. We strive every day to create an environment that helps our students to feel supported and celebrated. We consider our students, families, teachers, and staff all important members of the Prestige family! For many of our students, the studio is their second home.

We will, OF COURSE, miss seeing our students over the holiday break- but we know how important it is to spend quality time with the people you love. Just like we nurture our relationships inside the studio, we want our students to understand the importance of nurturing their relationships outside of the studio. We rounded up some links today to get those wheels turning if you are looking for fun ideas and activities to do with your family in the coming weeks. We’ve got events, crafts, activities, recipes, and MORE!

Just as a reminder, the studio will be closed for holiday break December 23-January 1. We look forward to hearing about your family adventures when students return to class!

Check out all the local events happening in Cedar Rapids! Lots of fun stuff happening this weekend. I have my eye on the Winter Solstice Party:) PS. Here is another list on the Cedar Rapids Mom Blog of all the places to see Santa if you need to check that off your list!

If you are in the mood for a road trip, consider heading to Chicago to check out the Joffrey Ballet’s brand new Nutcracker! They are mixing things up with brand new choreography, a new take on the classic story based on the Chicago World Fair, and new costumes and sets. There are still tickets left for many of the performances. If you do attend, please let us know on Facebook what you think of the new production! I am excited to hear the reviews.

I really like this next idea… and may have to start this tradition with my own family. This blogger spends one night each holiday season driving around and looking at Christmas lights like many families do. Her version has a few special rules. Everyone has to wear their “jammies”, you have to get hot cocoa (and wear your jammies while you go inside to get it), and you have to listen to Christmas music while you drive around. Can’t you imagine your kids LOVING this???

I know you took care of your dancers after reading through our gift guide (hehe) but do you still need to come up with gifts for teachers, babysitters, or grandparents? Work with your kids to make something! Fun for you, fun for your kiddos, and super fun for the recipient to open. Here is another link with great ideas if you have younger children. Homemade gifts are the best:)

My favorite part of the holidays may be the cookies. I love making them, and I love eating them. Have your kids help you pick out a recipe and make something delicious together. I love these adorable Santa strawberries. A super simple way to make a (kinda) healthy snack memorable hehe.

Get your whole family involved in giving back to the community. Have you heard of Volunteer Match? You can plug in your city and what type of volunteer opportunity you are looking for and it comes up with all sorts of options. It is super handy to have all the contact information right there. It is a very cool site. I also love that it includes volunteer work that can be done virtually. Create memories while you give back to the community (you know that we are HUGE fans of giving back at Prestige Dance Studio!).. win, win!

Finally, if your child is REALLY missing their dance classes, join in on the fun. Let them teach YOU something. Check out this dad. He wanted to find a way to bond with his daughter, so he took up gymnastics and let her teach him what she was working on. It’s pretty impressive!




Holiday Gift Guide For Dancers

holiday gift guide

Welcome to the season of gift giving! Are you one of those really ahead of the game shoppers who are pretty much all WRAPPED up(hehe) or are you still having a hard time figuring out what to get your loved ones? Either way, we have done the research for you and gathered the perfect gift selections for your dancer. From books and clothes to dance tools and accessories, we got you covered!

Don’t want to go very far? We have a couple perfect stocking stuffer options for you right here at Prestige! Highlighters ($5), youth, toddler, and adult socks ($12), rhinestone decals ($15), and colorful bows ($5) will all fit very nicely in your dancer’s stocking and you can pick them up while your dancer is in class- they will never know!


“Firebird” by Misty Copeland and Christopher Myers is great for dancers 5 and up. Not only are the pictures beautiful but it is a powerful story about following your dreams! Bonus: you can always pick up the Misty Copeland Barbie Doll to go along with it (but last we checked they were sold out until January).

“Life in Motion” by Misty Copeland for dancers 8-12 yrs. Written by the first African-American principal dancer in the American Ballet Theatre, Copeland provides an inspiring story about following your dreams and never giving up.

“Dancers Among Us: A Celebration of Joy in the Everyday” by Jordan Matter has the most amazing photographs of dancers dancing in everyday moments. Although it is great for all ages- this book may be more appreciated by the older dancer (12+).

Accessories and Clothes:

Just Dance Bangle Bracelet from the AdelineQuinnCo shop on Etsy is super cute, simple and represents what we do every day.

Holiday Muscle Tee from Covet Dance is beyond clever. I mean- Dancer the reindeer is everyone’s favorite right?? Warning- These look like they are selling quick so put your order in soon.

Dance Backpack from Pottery Barn Kids is adorable. Ballerinas and sparkles all over! They have a couple different sizes with a monogram option.

Dancer Tools:

Turning Board by Ballet is Fun is a great tool to practice those turns! It helps dancers become more aware of spotting, core strength, and arm placement.

Arch Stretcher by Arch Genie has so many different colors and fabrics to choose from, you will definitely find one your dancers will like! It is the perfect tool to work those arches.

#WorkHardDreamBig Resistance Band will motivate your dancers all while stretching and strengthening them, can’t beat that.

Foot Rubz Massager by Sure Foot is a treat after a long hard day of dance!

Performance Repair Kit will ease your mind for all of our performances coming up. You will never have to worry about a tear or rip again with this handy kit.

Small Knee Support by Bunheads are my favorite kneepads! They have comfortable fabric and silicone pads, great for those hard rehearsals.

Tap/Turning Floor by Dot2Dance is so amazing for practicing at home, it is a small portable dance floor.

The Original Ballet Foot Stretch is a bit more of an investment than the other arch stretcher but is a great gift.

Stretch Max by Superior Stretch is awesome! It really allows you to focus on alignment while increasing flexibility.

Do you have any ideas that are not on our list?! We would love to hear about them in the comments below. We wish you the best of luck with your holiday shopping and can’t wait to celebrate with you soon!

5 Reasons To Be Thankful For Dance

Thankful for Dance

With all the Thanksgiving love in the air, we here at Prestige have taken some time to reflect on all that we are thankful for. Among so many other things, we have amazing families and students, smart and talented teachers, a studio expansion project in the making, and to top it all off, we get to do what we love every day. Have you ever thought about why you are thankful for dance? It was hard to name just a few, but here are 5 reasons our team at Prestige is thankful for dance this year:

  1. Dance keeps us healthy and strong, it is a great form of exercise. It promotes cardiovascular health as well as strength and flexibility. I mean really, who needs the treadmill when you can DANCE!?
  2. Dance is FUN! When is the last time you had an all out dance party?! Dancers get to do this every single week!
  3. Dance builds confidence. We are constantly setting, working towards, and reaching goals in dance class.  Whether it is performing in front of a huge audience or perfecting our leaps in class, each goal (big or small) builds the backbone that allows dancers to set and attain goals outside of class without the fear of failure.
  4. Dance is an outlet for emotions. It provides opportunities for creative movement and self-expression. Have a message you want to express but don’t have the words? Dance can be the perfect medium.  It can also be an escape from stressors outside of class. Going through something hard? A night in dance class can be a welcomed relief where you get to focus on one thing: yourself.
  5. Dance friends are amazing! Some of the strongest bonds are formed in dance class. With one common goal, dancers learn to cheer each other on, lean on each other for support, and challenge each other to become better dancers and better people.

We encourage you all to take a few moments at home this weekend to talk about what you and your dancers are thankful for (The studio will be closed from November 21-27). We would love to know what you came up with!

All About Our Performance Teams


Prestige Dance Studio’s performance teams offer students the opportunity to gain additional performance experience, be a part of a dedicated group of dancers, and work intensively alongside their teachers and the studio director. We have three separate performance teams and several different age divisions. P.Co. is our competitive team. These dancers attend conventions and compete at the regional and national level. P.Com. is our community team. They perform all around the Cedar Rapids area with the goal of spreading dance through our community. P.Crew is our hip hop only team that performs around the community and competes.

In addition to weekly dance technique classes, dancers attend weekly rehearsals. Students learn the value of hard work, are motivated to reach their full potential, and make lasting relationships with their teammates and teachers. Our teams offer dancers the opportunity to really push themselves and get extra experience performing. We are impressed year after year by the huge strides our performance team members make.

We don’t only push our dancers to improve- we try to instill in them the work ethic and motivation required to push themselves!

Have you meet our 2016/2017 performance team members? View our galleries and read more about our amazing dancers.

P.Co. Dancers

P.Com. Dancers

P.Crew Dancers

Our 2016/2017 season is already off to a great start. We’ve attended the Platinum Convention, the Stack the Stands Competition, the Hiawatha Fall Fest, the Alzheimers Walk.. and have much more planned this season! We try to pick events that not only give our students additional performance opportunities but also remind them of the role they play within our community. Community service is HUGE at Prestige Dance Studio. Giving back is a very important aspect of being a dancer on one of our performance teams. We try to pass on these values to our students and make sure they understand the impact they can make both in and outside of the dance studio!

Want an inside peek? We’ve created a couple of vlogs that go behind the scenes!! See what it is REALLY like to be on one of our performance teams. Go with us to competition and tag along as we attend a convention. View vlog #1 here. View vlog #2 here.

Interested in auditioning? Auditions are held annually in June. Please contact the studio with any questions and be sure to check back for additional details about auditions. We are always looking for dedicated dancers to join us!

New Teacher at Prestige Dance Studio, Meet Miss Jen

Prestige Dance Studio strives to find the best teachers out there! We think we have done it yet again and are excited to welcome Miss Jen to our family this year! Jen is taking on Thursday evenings by teaching Adult Ballet and Adult Tap . It has been a joy to see her passion for dance through her teaching so far and we can’t wait to see what else she has up her sleeves. She would love for you to pop in to say hello or try a class!


A few fun facts:

Favorite color: Hot Pink
Pancheros or Chipotle: Chipotle
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: No stems for this girl!
Zodiac sign: Gemini
If you could change places with anyone for a day who would it be: My teenager so I could know what I’m up against!

We sat down with Jen and asked her a few more questions about her background, dance memories, and teaching highlights. Interested in learning more? Be sure to catch Jen on Thursday’s,  she is loving every moment at Prestige! 

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Watertown, South Dakota

Where did you go to school and what did you study? I went to The University of Iowa where I studied Dance and Physical Therapy.

What has been your most rewarding dance experience? 2016 is my 25th year teaching and choreographing dances for all ages. This year I created a dance for 18 young and mature women and dedicated it to the studio owner. It was a great success and joy to see women of all ages come together.

What was your most embarrassing dance moment? A few years ago during the opener teacher dance for the recital, I ran out on stage late. Once I got out there, I forgot the order of steps I was supposed to be doing and started doing something totally different! I made the best of it but it sure didn’t look like it was supposed to 🙂

Why do you like teaching dance? When I teach my adult dancers, I love to give them a great workout and have them leave feeling like they’ve accomplished something. I want them to feel beautiful just the way they are. For my younger dancers, I want to inspire them to be better and feel they are smart and strong.

Welcome to Prestige Dance Studio Miss Jen!


Best of the Web! Dance Links That are Worth the Click

dance links

Today we have rounded up dance links from around the web. We live in a GREAT time to be a dancer. Between youtube, websites, blogs, facebook… dance information and inspiration has never been more assessable. Enjoy our round-up! Have a video or article we need to see? Share it on our facebook page or in the comments!

A letter to my dance students. Great reminders as we really get into the bulk of the school year. We all know that dance is a lot of work. It requires SO much energy from students, their families, and teachers. All the hard work pays off in the form of SO MANY gifts both in and out of the classroom. Please share with your teen and pre-teen dancers. At Prestige Dance Studio, we want the best for our students and work each week towards helping them reach their goals. We hope our students (and their families!) know how much we want them to succeed.

Alex Wong doing his version of burpees. Miss Jess originally shared this video, but it’s worth taking another look! Do you remember Alex Wong from SYTYCD? He is a former professional ballet dancer who competed on the show and has gone on to do MANY things in dance, from commercial work to Broadway. Well… this is Alex at the gym. Perhaps something to incorporate into next week’s ballet classes? #goals

The world needs more dance. A beautiful story about ballet classes being offered in the slums of Nairobi. Inspirational and a great reminder of how fortunate we are to have the resources we do. The teacher featured is doing amazing things within his community! Dance is truly a universal language.

Anyone need a new fall dance wardrobe? We are LOVING the colors and fit of this line. Unfortunately, it looks like they only carry adult sizes. Fingers crossed they expand into youth sizes! Really creative leotards. A good one to bookmark for Christmas:)

Takeaways from competitions. A panel weighs in on the biggest takeaways from dance competitions. These former competitive dancers have gone on to dance professionally, work with college dance programs, and have careers in related fields. We loved hearing about their transitions and how competing prepared them for their future.

Thriller. In honor of Halloween approaching we HAD to share this classic video. Has your dancer seen it? A crucial part of their dance education! Share it please:)

New Stretch & Strength Class at Prestige Dance Studio

New Class at Prestige Dance Studio

Lets’ talk about cross-training for dancers! We are super excited to be offering a Stretch & Strength class to our dancers Monday evenings with Miss Alyssa at Prestige Dance Studio this Fall. Anyone curious? Interested in giving it a try but unsure if it will make a difference in your technique? Spoiler alert.. it will 🙂 Today we are going to break down what exactly cross-training is, why it is important, and also give you a few ideas for working in some conditioning at home.

Cross-training is training outside of your main activity that improves overall fitness. So for dancers, it would be swimming, pilates, yoga, running, lifting weights, or any activity that is NOT dancing. The goal is finding ways to build strength and increase flexibility in muscles that are not always targeted in a dance class. Dance classes tend to target the same muscles over and over again- which puts dancers at risk for overuse injuries and muscular imbalances. Training outside of dance can help to correct those imbalances and help dancers continue to make strides in their technique working their bodies in a new way. Listen to an expert weigh in!

Most dancers would agree that the way to get better at a certain skill is to repeat that skill a million times. While this is true; cross training can help dancers reach their goals faster and reduce dancers risk for an injury. Lets’ break down a grand jete (a leap). A dancer can practice her leaps every week faithfully but if she has weak glutes or is lacking the dynamic flexibility she needs for a perfect “split”, it’s going to be awhile before she starts to see any improvements. Now lets’ pretend that this dancer starts attending Stretch & Strength class with Miss Alyssa. She starts doing lunges and squats to work on her lower body strength. She also works on some squat jumps so she can practice engaging her glutes when she jumps. They do leg swings and spend additional time stretching. Not to mention the additional abdominal work! Any guesses as to how her leaps are going to look after a few months? My bet is that she is going to see big improvements.

Cross-training should be a part of your routine. Think about what you need as a dancer. What feedback do you get from your teachers? Do you need more flexibility, more strength, or more stamina? Pick an activity outside of dance that can support your goals. Cross-training can help you to make huge strides in your technique, avoid injury, and be a great stress reliever! Ready to get started? Miss Alyssa would love to see you in class. Contact the studio to set up your trial! Here are a few links to workouts that can be done at home. Happy cross-training dancers!

Beginners Pilates 20 Minute Workout

Quick Yoga Workout

Cardio and Strength Building Workout


New Dance Teacher at Prestige Dance Studio!

One of the things that sets Prestige Dance Studio apart from other dance studios is our FABULOUS faculty. Our teachers pour their hearts into their students.. and it shows! We are so excited to welcome Miss Megan to our team. Megan is at the studio Tuesday evenings teaching Tippy Toes and Lyrical. You can also find her behind the desk as an Office Administrator on Wednesdays. Please introduce yourself, say”hi” and help us welcome Megan to the Prestige Dance Studio family!

New Dance TeacherA few fun facts:

Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite color: SPARKELS!
Pets: A dog and a bunny
Favorite animal: Dolphin
Favorite show: Anything the Bachelor/ Bachelorette related!
Name two things you couldn’t live without: Perfume & candles

We sat down with Megan and asked her a few more questions about her background, dance memories, and teaching highlights. Interested in learning more? Be sure to catch Megan on Tuesday or Wednesday. She is looking forward to getting to know all of the wonderful dance families at Prestige Dance Studio!

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Where did you go to school and what did you study? I went to University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, IA. There I studied Family Services.

What has been your most rewarding dance experience? I love seeing students’ faces light up when they learn something new, and the excited look on their faces just to be in the studio.

What was your most embarrassing dance moment? In high school I was a member of the dance team. While dancing in front of the whole high school my shoe fell during one of our performances!

Why do you like teaching dance? I love teaching because I get to share my love of dance with others. I hope through my classes, I can help others to love it as much as I do!

Welcome to Prestige Dance Studio Miss Megan!

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Walk to End Alzheimer's

As many of you know, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Walk to End Alzheimer’s is very near and dear to our hearts here at Prestige Dance Studio. Miss Jess’s mother, Duanne, has been battling Alzheimer’s for 10 years. She is now 64 years old and in her final stages of this horrible disease.

We have connected with the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s to share our support to Miss Jess’s family and to give back to our community. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The event is held in over 600 locations across the country, including Cedar Rapids. In 2015, the organization raised over $75 million.

Each year, Prestige Dance Studio organizes a team called “Dancers for Dude.” Together as a studio, we raise money for the cause and participate in the walk. Along with enjoying the event, we are looking forward to special performances by our Company and Community teams. Last year Dancers for Dude was the largest team in Eastern Iowa. We hope you will help us in achieving that again this year and appreciate your continued support and acknowledgement of a cause that is so special to us at PDS. Please contact us if you need any further information

Event Details:

When? Saturday, September 24th

Where? McGrath Amphitheatre, 475 First St SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

What Time? Registration Opens at 8:30am, Opening Ceremony at 9:30am, Start Walk at 10:00am

How long is the walk? The walk has a 2 mile route going through down town Cedar Rapids and the Cedar Valley Trail. There is a shorter, 1 mile route available for those who would like to walk a shorter distance.

How do I sign up? Register Here

How can I donate? Donate Here

We want to be the biggest team in Cedar Rapids again this year and we can’t do it without you!

Thank you for all your support,

Prestige Dance Studio