5 Reasons To Be Thankful For Dance

Thankful for Dance

With all the Thanksgiving love in the air, we here at Prestige have taken some time to reflect on all that we are thankful for. Among so many other things, we have amazing families and students, smart and talented teachers, a studio expansion project in the making, and to top it all off, we get to do what we love every day. Have you ever thought about why you are thankful for dance? It was hard to name just a few, but here are 5 reasons our team at Prestige is thankful for dance this year:

  1. Dance keeps us healthy and strong, it is a great form of exercise. It promotes cardiovascular health as well as strength and flexibility. I mean really, who needs the treadmill when you can DANCE!?
  2. Dance is FUN! When is the last time you had an all out dance party?! Dancers get to do this every single week!
  3. Dance builds confidence. We are constantly setting, working towards, and reaching goals in dance class.  Whether it is performing in front of a huge audience or perfecting our leaps in class, each goal (big or small) builds the backbone that allows dancers to set and attain goals outside of class without the fear of failure.
  4. Dance is an outlet for emotions. It provides opportunities for creative movement and self-expression. Have a message you want to express but don’t have the words? Dance can be the perfect medium.  It can also be an escape from stressors outside of class. Going through something hard? A night in dance class can be a welcomed relief where you get to focus on one thing: yourself.
  5. Dance friends are amazing! Some of the strongest bonds are formed in dance class. With one common goal, dancers learn to cheer each other on, lean on each other for support, and challenge each other to become better dancers and better people.

We encourage you all to take a few moments at home this weekend to talk about what you and your dancers are thankful for (The studio will be closed from November 21-27). We would love to know what you came up with!