4 Things We Are Doing NOW To Prepare for Recital!

Preparing for a dance recital is not always an easy task! But Prestige Dance Studio’s 2019-2020 season is officially underway and we are off to a GREAT start. We can feel it. This year’s group of kids is hardworking, full of energy, and made for the spotlight!

Each year, our kids spend 9 months in the studio preparing for a dance recital. We look forward to it all year! We take pride in how well-prepared students are for their big day… and that starts NOW! In class, we make sure our students know what they are working towards, which makes recital day that much more rewarding.

We know recital is a long way away and our classes might not look stage-ready just yet. But we’d love to share ALL of the ways we are already preparing! Check out the four things we are doing NOW to get ready for the theater in May!

1. Skill Building

As teachers, we are ALWAYS thinking ahead! We use our time wisely by outlining the skills we’d like to accomplish with each class at the beginning of the year. Once January hits, we sneak those skills right into our recital dances! By working on those skills NOW, we make sure that our dancers’ routines at recital are a reflection of everything they learned throughout the year!

2. Memory Exercises

In class, we give our kids exercises with many different steps that are put together in a specific sequence. Even when we are working on technique and skills, the dancers are asked to remember a sequence! Many times it is easier to just work on the skill by itself, but we make sure they are always using their minds. We often utilize the same exercises for a couple of weeks in a row to work their long-term memory as well! It’s all part of the plan to help them ROCK at recital! 

3. Focusing on Confidence and Energy

This one might just be our favorite! We LOVE teaching our kids how to be confident in themselves… and we do it in every single class. We build our kids up by complimenting them on their successes, asking them to dance BIG, and teaching them how to command the space while dancing. Whether they are warming up, dancing across the floor, or learning a fun dance routine, we use positive reinforcement to pull tons of powerful energy out of them!

4. Setting Goals Early and Consistently

From the first month of dance to the last class before recital, our students know that they are working towards the big stage. We’ve found that this really helps them focus and know their “why” when they are working tirelessly on difficult skills. During class, you can often catch us saying something like, “Our goal is to nail a clean double pirouette in our recital dance.” Once that is accomplished, we set a new goal with our students. Giving kids something to work towards makes all the difference in their work ethic and overall drive. 

Want to see some of these awesome kids in action? Check out our highlight video! We love watching our students working hard and accomplishing their goals in the studio. 

So now it’s time for YOU to join us as we prepare! This year’s recital will be the best one yet! We are still accepting registration for most classes. Head over to our website to register online today! See you soon 🙂