4 Signs that Your Child Will LOVE Dance Classes at Prestige

Hey parents, how many of you remember the moment when you found your “thing?” In other words, the one activity you LOVED that stuck with you for the majority of your childhood (or maybe even the rest of your life if you’re like us!) More importantly, how many of you want your child to one day find THEIR “thing?”

Well here at Prestige Dance Studio, we love watching kids fall in love with dance. For many of our older students, dance is their activity of choice. It’s what motivates them, what they look forward to after school, and for some, it’s what they continue to pursue even in their adult years.

At Prestige Dance Studio, we welcome any child and help each of our students thrive in our dance classes for kids. But like any activity, dance may not be for everyone. So today on the blog, we’re giving you some clues on how to tell if dance is right for YOUR child. 

4 Signs That Your Child Will LOVE Dance Classes at Prestige:

1. They Can’t Listen to Music Without Moving

This is the first telltale sign that you’ve got a future dancer in the making! Those little baby bops come much more naturally for some kids than others, but they are the CUTEST thing. If your child bounces their knees, shakes their hips, and claps their hands whenever you play music, they are a NATURAL! We will help them turn those little grooves into big strides in dance class.

2. They Love Being Active

Is your child an explorer at home? Is it impossible to get them to stop climbing on your furniture, jumping on the bed, and leaping through the air? Send them our way! We highly recommend any of our infant and toddler classes, especially our Baby & Me, Teenie Tumble, and Hippity Hop classes! 

Your child will jump, leap, twirl, and climb their way through our fun-filled movement activities, getting all their energy out. And hopefully, when we send them back to you, they will be too pooped to cause any raucous at home!

3. They Like to Be Creative

Does your little one love crafts? Do they enjoy finding new, fun ways to do things? Chances are, you’ve got a creative mind on your hands and they will thrive in a dance class!

At dance, we teach our students to express themselves using their bodies. For the little ones, this often involves going crazy and letting their sillies out. But personal expression becomes incredibly important during the pre-teen and teen years. When a child has dance in their life from a young age, they grow up knowing that they have a safe space to let it ALL out. 

4. They Have a HUGE Imagination

Is your child all ears anytime they hear of something magical or whimsical? Do they like to play pretend and dress up in the most sparkly outfits? We can assure you, Prestige Dance Studio will become their new favorite place! 

Our infant and toddler classes use TONS of imaginative play to help children learn to dance. We don’t just gallop, we fly like unicorns! We don’t just tiptoe, we walk like royalty and curtsy to the other princes and princesses. Most importantly, our recital costumes will make your little dancer feel like a REAL superstar! 

If your child checks off most of the things on this list, it’s time to head to our website and view our 2020/2021 Dance Classes for Kids! We are now accepting enrollment for our Fall Classes and can’t wait to meet your little dancer in the making! Class sizes are limited this year due to health and safety guidelines, so register today before classes fill!